Here's the deal...

Solution Finish isn't magic. It's a pigment called Carbon Black milled to the size of a VIRUS - you know, like Covid-19 is a VIRUS.

Because it's so TINY - it can get into the plastic IF YOU DO A GREAT JOB OF CLEANING THE PLASTIC FIRST.

So that's the first secret - it's all in the PREP WORK. Just like a good paint job. THEN after you clean and apply the SOLUTION FINISH - Apply your favorite plastic DRESSING OVER THE SOLUTION FINISH and KEEP APPLYING THE DRESSING as long as you own the car.

There is no one and done.

There is no set it and forget it.

Your favorite car manufacturer puts stupid stuff on their cars and now we all get to deal with it. And this is why I like old cars. They have metal trim instead of plastic trim.

Hope the above helps and makes sense.