View Full Version : Weird substance on my car

03-26-2016, 12:28 AM
Not sure what it is or where it came from but I saw it after it had already dried. I tried getting it off with a microfiber cloth and a quick detailer but it would not budge, so I gave up since I didnt want to go hard at it and possibly leave marks.

Any recommendation on what product I might use to get this off?


03-26-2016, 12:37 AM
Looks like big dead bugs. Where is it on the vehicle?

03-26-2016, 12:57 AM
Looks like big dead bugs. Where is it on the vehicle?

One on the hood (the lighter but wider one) and two on the roof which are more heavy.

03-26-2016, 07:18 AM
Looks like bird dookey to me. I would make every effort to soften it then carefully use a plastic razor blade. It will likely have etched into the paint once you get it off.

03-26-2016, 07:28 AM
Looks like bird dookey to me. I would make every effort to soften it then carefully use a plastic razor blade. It will likely have etched into the paint once you get it off.

Damn.. this bird must have had serious problems.. red dooky.

I'll try soaking it with warm water and then the quick detailer again. I waxed the car less than a month ago, would that have helped prevent etching at all?

If the method above does not work, would you recommend something like a bug & tar remover or would that be too harsh.

zx10r Elle
03-26-2016, 07:49 AM
Mr alao,

I would go with Tar-x, or Tarminator, and some patience. Spray it on, let it soak approx 15 secs or so then see how much comes off with first application, even just a rinse, then apply again in the same manner and lightly dab off with mf towel and by then there should be some significant change in how much of the contaminant is still adhered to the paint surface.

Subsequent applications of tar-x/tarminator/similar may benefit from prolonged dwelling but ultimately I believe it will all come off without more severe methods.

Tar-x/similar may mildly strip some of the protectant you applied but thats better than the current contamination and you can simply reapply another coat of protectant in the affected areas.

Certainly a recent application of any form of sealant would prevent/minimize etching, however thats dependent upon the duration the offending contaminant has been allowed to reside as no sealant can protect forever.


03-26-2016, 08:40 AM
Give this a try.


03-27-2016, 08:06 AM
Mr alao,

I would go with Tar-x, or Tarminator, and some patience. Spray it on, let it soak approx 15 secs or so then see how much comes off with first application, even just a rinse, then apply again in the same manner and lightly dab off with mf towel and by then there should be some significant change in how much of the contaminant is still adhered to the paint surface.

Subsequent applications of tar-x/tarminator/similar may benefit from prolonged dwelling but ultimately I believe it will all come off without more severe methods.

Tar-x/similar may mildly strip some of the protectant you applied but thats better than the current contamination and you can simply reapply another coat of protectant in the affected areas.

Certainly a recent application of any form of sealant would prevent/minimize etching, however thats dependent upon the duration the offending contaminant has been allowed to reside as no sealant can protect forever.


Hey, I tried a tar remover and it seem to have worked. According to the person at the auto store, it is most likely tree sap that flew onto my car while I was driving, hence the strange splatter pattern.

Thanks for the advice

Setec Astronomy
03-27-2016, 08:57 AM
Hey, I tried a tar remover and it seem to have worked. According to the person at the auto store, it is most likely tree sap that flew onto my car while I was driving, hence the strange splatter pattern.

Darn trees.

03-27-2016, 09:34 AM
Soak a paper towel with PoorBoy's Bird Sh#t remover to remover the bird dropping on the vehicle. Should remove it and then polish out the etching.

Don M
03-27-2016, 09:35 AM
Darn trees.

Don't forget trees are a double-whammy ... not only is there tree sap and other tree "excrement" they also house those notorious dive bombers ... BIRDS.

03-27-2016, 09:43 AM
+1 PoorBoy's Bird Sh#t Remover. Follow w/spray sealant.

03-27-2016, 11:12 AM
Give this a try.

