View Full Version : 2013 CPO CLS550 - LSN Auto Detailing

03-15-2016, 11:20 AM
Gentlemen contacted me regarding his CPO CLS 550. Sadly the before photo's were how the dealership delivered it. Swirls, scratches and holograms.

We put 2 days into the car, and really took our time dialing in (via test spots) the proper pads and product.

After paint measurements were taken, I started with G15, GG Fast Correcting Cream and a GG Boss Orange Pad. In my test spot, I removed a lot of the scratches, orange peel caused by the dealer installed rotary burn marks, etc., but I wasn't happy with how it finished off. I decided to increase aggressiveness with the pad, rather than product, and went to the white GG Boss Pad. That removed all the defects, but also left a haze (which polish would finish off).

Not happy with that, I switched to Orange LC CSS and Pinnacle Advanced Compound and felt one more adjustment was required. I switched to LC CCS Yellow and with the Pinnacle Advanced compound and that did the trick. Like Mike says, use what works and stick with it. I love the Pinnacle Advanced Compound paired with LC CCS Pads.

After the correction was completed on day two, I finish off the car, instead of just polish, I decided to go with CCS White pads and HD Speed, then top with Pinnacle Souveran Paste using a CCS Grey (black to me...) pad.

The customer was beside himself and stated he now feels he got the new car that should have been delivered to him the first time. I'm very happy that he is happy.


https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6OGU3NWQ3Mzk1MGYzNTA2Yz IzMGZlZjk0OGRhYmM1OTU=?uid=2c45d092-3142-47e0-881a-602d81df1e93

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NTk4NGJhNDE0NmZiMDYzMm YyNTY3NjllMjViZmQ5ZmY=?uid=c53be709-a949-4b2f-9737-b7d0d0c566b2

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NGIxNGJiMTg0Yzc3NTAyZG IxZDA5ODQ5NzcyNjlhODA=?uid=a7952bf3-5005-45c9-9f06-43e4b5ae79cb

After initial wash - Iron-X Decon
https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NTNkMjMwMzcyZWM3YmI0NT A3NzJhNTUzMGExZDc1OTg=?uid=3a3ab71f-583d-4bba-9c84-0c3e8cbf8696

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6YTY3OTEyMzk1MzEyYmRkNz k5OTM2ZDQ0OGYxNjkzOTk=?uid=4a72c0bb-2b48-4638-9482-b1d3513796ee

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MjljZDk3NDY2MTI5OTQ3YW I4ODJiYjVmZTg2MjYxMDg=?uid=293a66da-7bc7-4740-9324-c887c48e0444

Yes, I know my fingers were on the clay... I usually have it covering below the first set of knuckles, but for photo op you wouldn't see the clay.

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NDg2NTUwNGY1MTJhMzVhMT U1ZTNjNjEwNWRhY2E5NjI=?uid=6c3fd87a-e162-4269-89a6-06ff9e050069

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6OTMzY2Y0NDVjMWNiYzE3OG U3ZDE2OGI1NmJjMzMyYTk=?uid=73473958-a7d8-4460-aa93-00c790c71713

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZjNmZGNlZDJmZTI0ZDc4ZD BmMTExYTlmYjY0NmY2NDA=?uid=76fb4e05-07af-4ef5-bc87-f534edaa6255

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6YWRkMjBlMjAwNjdmNTRmOD I2MGQ1MTVhODM3OTA4MmE=?uid=aafff919-eaf3-49a3-9ed2-83012128ba5e

And now for the finish photos prior to delivery

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MzAyNjJhZTE1NzczNGJiZW E5NjQ2Yjg4ZWNkOGIyYTI=?uid=5c04fc92-a3ee-435f-986e-9616029f95b6

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MDU2MWQxN2VkZWE2MWU4OG JmZjA5ZmQxMWM0NjczNmM=?uid=ba08cf95-d35e-40a6-8794-8c8702c8eb00

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6OTEwNTdmYTAxMTIzMWUyND MxMGRmYmU1YmNkYjE0YmE=?uid=ce824c04-d281-442a-abf5-d88de935340d

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MDg1MDRlMTFkYjdjNjcwND NjMWI1ODRmYmQwMmIxNTY=?uid=2d676c6e-cde3-469f-8a2e-016e6369eae5

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZTRmZmIxMGUzZmIyMTBhYz RjMGI0YTNkYzA1MDVjODQ=?uid=3fa6abb0-6c74-4c72-bf6f-154919d418ae

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZGI2MjIwM2U1ZTAwNmNlNm I0OTc1MDFkMmE1ZmYwYTE=?uid=f30f2a6a-4c0b-4a72-b48c-efdc6246b43e

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6M2EwYTk1NWFjYWMwYzUyNj czNWVkYjliMWJlNDc0YzE=?uid=ebee7ad9-3bac-4fac-abd7-6ad52744cd54

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZGFkZDM2NGEwMDYxYzkzNW ZjNzI1YzVkNWYyOWZkNzY=?uid=d35d3008-341d-4e75-9497-139ea843bc4f

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6YzljMjg3MDdiMTU0MTQ1Zj YwMjIzMzNjYmFkNGFjOTA=?uid=2281ebf2-f59c-47db-8b0b-387e53575ee1

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZDNjZWU0NWE2YjI3NWIzOT VhNDA5ZWEyZmIwYzRmYTM=?uid=7235fd2b-bb2d-4aa7-90cd-9bf77d1163e8

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTNjNmU2Y2FmNTE0MjBmND VkM2FiYjNjMTlhZmYyMmY=?uid=821b728b-145c-4297-a228-6df29a628198

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MDBkNjRjNTIxZTJlYWYxYW NkNmI0NjkzNTk0ZjExNzU=?uid=ab2186ef-036f-4c1c-b794-608e02ed749b

Paul A.
03-15-2016, 11:46 AM
Beautiful work! Looks like you guys are getting some cooperative detailing weather finally.

03-15-2016, 12:31 PM
Beautiful work! Looks like you guys are getting some cooperative detailing weather finally.

Thanks Puckman! Luckily we've had spring in March. But we're back to crappy 30's & rain mix w/ snow... Next two weeks will be nothing but rain and snow mix. Need a few more good weekends, my phone has been ringing.

03-15-2016, 01:30 PM
Looking good Paul! Nice work.

Thanks for sharing.

03-15-2016, 02:52 PM
Looking good Paul! Nice work.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Mike! Considering it was a German car, I figured you'd like to see it. :-)

03-15-2016, 05:25 PM
Very nice work,car looks hot in white.

03-15-2016, 06:47 PM
Very nice work,car looks hot in white.

Thank you Jeff! Yeah, Merc Enamel black is tough. I must have done a dozen wipe-downs before the owner arrived.

03-15-2016, 09:06 PM
That turned out great. That is one of the hardest colors and paints to take care of I have ever had the pleasure. Dead sexy when it's clean though. Nice job.

03-16-2016, 02:43 AM
Nice work:xyxthumbs:

03-16-2016, 05:59 AM
Wow, looks great! Can you add some detail about how you cleaned the engine compartment?

03-16-2016, 08:34 AM
Wow, looks great! Can you add some detail about how you cleaned the engine compartment?

Hi SL,

Since this car just came from the dealer, they did their version of engine detailing. Which was, miss everything, spray degreaser everywhere, spray shinny stuff on everything else and forget to wipe up. I simply used Megs D114 and wiped everything down, then used my DP (now McKees's 37) Trim Detailer on the black plastic and trim, and Pinnacle Chrystal Mist.

Under normal situations where customers have never had their engine done, I Essentially I follow Nick's sticky on how to do engines and I think it's a proper approach. http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/50352-how-detail-your-engine-like-professional.html

As in the case of an S550 I did here:

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j5/Mustang030308/engine_side-by-side_zps0zjq9taq.jpg (http://s76.photobucket.com/user/Mustang030308/media/engine_side-by-side_zps0zjq9taq.jpg.html)

Sizzle Chest
03-16-2016, 07:24 PM
Paulie! Nice work man!!! That finish was beat! Man, they crapped it up but good!

Came out fantastic...you need to quit being such a tough guy on your equipment and maybe that polisher would've stood a chance! LOL

Nice brother. Very nice. Easy to see why the customer was thrilled.

03-17-2016, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the engine tips, and the link -- very helpful. I'm looking to do my SL550 engine for the first time and you've set a high bar! Nice work;)

03-17-2016, 06:46 AM
Great job! For a second, I thought Donnie Wahlberg detailed that car.

03-17-2016, 09:26 AM
Paulie! Nice work man!!! That finish was beat! Man, they crapped it up but good!

Came out fantastic...you need to quit being such a tough guy on your equipment and maybe that polisher would've stood a chance! LOL

Nice brother. Very nice. Easy to see why the customer was thrilled.

Thanks Sizzle! Well, you know, we had some problems up there with that equipment, but you let me worry about that tough guy! :)

Thanks for the engine tips, and the link -- very helpful. I'm looking to do my SL550 engine for the first time and you've set a high bar! Nice work;)

Thanks SL, you did a great job on your SL after sorting out the C code paint!

Great job! For a second, I thought Donnie Wahlberg detailed that car.

Thanks! You know I get that quite often... Either Mark, or Donnie... I should just go to their restaurant in Boston and see if get special treatment. :-) LOL