View Full Version : What not to do

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03-13-2016, 09:38 PM
So I was thinking a decent topic would be on the mistakes we have made whether in the start up or on going process of our businesses. So what mistakes did you make? What wasted time, money, effort and so on? What do you as a person or business need to work on?

For me I would say what hindered me was thinking I knew how to advertise until I came here and actually listened to others advice.

Something that still gets in my way is trying to be everything for everyone everywhere. By this I mean I stalk my competitions fb page and see what they are up to. In the mean while not paying attention to what's in front of me or my business. It doesn't hurt to observe once in awhile but for me it causes me to try and do what they are to get those customers when in reality I probably don't want them! Also makes me lose focus within my business!

What I need to work on:
Of course with those things in mind those are what I need to work on and not worry about and just focus on me and my business rather looking in the rear view everyday. Also, having a social type anxiety it's hard for me to approach people about doing work for them and so on, which is a big thing I need to worry about this year and to get myself seen and heard of!

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04-29-2016, 10:00 AM
When I started out, my target market was WAYYYYY too big. I told everyone that I was for everyone and anyone with a vehicle...which isn't true and is not a great strategy. The one winning strategy in this area that has been extremely successful for me was to define and know my target market SO WELL that my services sold themselves. Therefore, I pivoted and shifted my focus to busy women over 30 with disposable income who wanted an unbelieveably easy way to get a clean car. And you know what, eventually their husbands called me too...and their friends at the country club...and their friends also OWN the country clubs and the malls and so on and so forth.

04-29-2016, 01:01 PM
The biggest mistake for me ever was 2 years ago.I purchased a clay mitt from a vendor,went to do just a wash and wax on a green mini.washed it first then clay mitt,when I dried the car it looked like I washed it with a bag of walnuts.Had to polish the whole car and explain to the customer what happened.Thats ok I called xx brand and got 300.00.I had to show proof of causation in front of them to get paid.Needless to say they don't sell that mitt anymore.

04-29-2016, 03:12 PM
What not to do:

- Don't take every job just because it is there.
Learn to say no and walk away from vehicles, and more importantly customers, that have the potential to cause you nothing but headaches.

04-29-2016, 03:52 PM
I walk constantly away from tahoes escalades and boats,its to time consuming and people with suv's want car rates,not all but a big majority of them.Boats I will do only on trailer.Tommorow is my first Tahoe in years helping a customer sell it quick cause the wife is ill.

04-29-2016, 05:51 PM
Expose this "wash mit." You are obligated by good consciousness.

04-29-2016, 06:06 PM
Against forum rules to bad mouth a product or company.

04-29-2016, 07:58 PM
What not to do:

- Don't take every job just because it is there.
Learn to say no and walk away from vehicles, and more importantly customers, that have the potential to cause you nothing but headaches.

THIS! I don't even know where to start on this thread. I started about a year ago. I had been reading on here for a while, watching video after video, reading thread after thread; Thought I was ready. Wrong. I spent about a grand getting all of my equipment and product, put together some business cards, and thought I was on my way. HA.

I was incredibly busy the first year, but not so much this year. There's a lot of business growth that I've got to do, but, after that first year, I figured out what I did wrong, and what I need to do to improve. The biggest issue I have around me is that I planned on doing higher end cars. Not necessarily Ferrari's and Lambo's, but cars that people actually wanted to keep nice. That was my first mistake. I live in Amish country. People drive through sh*t every day, and they don't care. I tried to look past that and convince myself that I can still make this work, but the reality of it is, you have to find your target audience and cater toward that.

Things not to do that I did:

- Spend on SWAG before you are established.
- Give learning and educating yourself a break.
- Expect a ton of clients when you're first starting out.
- Cater to EVERYONE.
- Do every car possible.

04-29-2016, 09:03 PM
For me it was purchasing too many products. There are some products I have never used and might never do. Should have gone to the basics but I wanted to cover every possible situation. If I had to start over that is where I would cut the expenses so I could use the money on more useful things.

I waited 3 years to have my van wrapped. This is basically free advertisement, it cost a lot to do it but then you don't pay a dime and people see it while you work, and when it's parked anywhere. I should have done it the minute I purchased the van. So that is number 2.

I have not put in place a CRM solution yet. I am trying to do it now but I am having issues finding something that will not have a monthly fee. I hate paying monthly fees for software ;( I found a site that is very nice but people have to subscribe on their own, I would prefer something I can enter the emails myself so I don't have to bug clients to subscribe. But ya, that should have been done on year one.

04-29-2016, 09:47 PM
For me it was purchasing too many products. There are some products I have never used and might never do. Should have gone to the basics but I wanted to cover every possible situation. If I had to start over that is where I would cut the expenses so I could use the money on more useful things.

I waited 3 years to have my van wrapped. This is basically free advertisement, it cost a lot to do it but then you don't pay a dime and people see it while you work, and when it's parked anywhere. I should have done it the minute I purchased the van. So that is number 2.

I have not put in place a CRM solution yet. I am trying to do it now but I am having issues finding something that will not have a monthly fee. I hate paying monthly fees for software ;( I found a site that is very nice but people have to subscribe on their own, I would prefer something I can enter the emails myself so I don't have to bug clients to subscribe. But ya, that should have been done on year one.you should of saved 3000 on the wrap and just went with nice lettering,serves the same purpose but 2500 cheaper.products are never a waste and you will utilize them as time geos by.put some money towards publishing adds in the hometown Val Pak or distributed magazine that list all kind of trade services.Not telling you how to spend your money,but telling you what more than likely works for this craft on getting new clients.

04-30-2016, 09:25 AM
Against forum rules to bad mouth a product or company.

Not so sure that is in the Rules.

Can't bad-mouth another Member, but I a pretty sure you are allowed to give a fact based review.

04-30-2016, 10:26 AM
Against forum rules to bad mouth
a product or company.
^^^ For sure! ^^^


4. No bashing any company or their products.
No bashing other people. If you can't say anything
nice about someone, then don't say anything at all,
this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner.

REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are
new to detailing and those that have been doing
this for years. We expect that you treat everyone
with respect no matter what their level of detailing
is. We all had to start somewhere.



Precision MAD
05-02-2016, 08:24 PM
Here's a good one...

Never take out a small business loan to start a detailing company. Pass or fail, you will always, ALWAYS, have that loan to repay. You'd be surprised how many small businesses were started with just a credit card.

On a similar note, there's no need to start if big and run out and buy the best of the best. You can get by with a lot less and build up your quality level of equipment and products.

My bad move when I started... I wish I was a little more clear on my intentions with the business with my wife. She understands now and is starting to come around to my way of thinking and seeing my desire and the potential, but it was a war zone around here at first. :cool:


05-02-2016, 11:32 PM
For me it was purchasing too many products. There are some products I have never used and might never do. Should have gone to the basics but I wanted to cover every possible situation. If I had to start over that is where I would cut the expenses so I could use the money on more useful things.

I waited 3 years to have my van wrapped. This is basically free advertisement, it cost a lot to do it but then you don't pay a dime and people see it while you work, and when it's parked anywhere. I should have done it the minute I purchased the van. So that is number 2.

I have not put in place a CRM solution yet. I am trying to do it now but I am having issues finding something that will not have a monthly fee. I hate paying monthly fees for software ;( I found a site that is very nice but people have to subscribe on their own, I would prefer something I can enter the emails myself so I don't have to bug clients to subscribe. But ya, that should have been done on year one.

My business is sales, so I know CRMs. Super cheap solution, if you have an old Windows XP computer laying around (or you can buy one cheap locally or on eBay), use old ACT! software. Bulletproof and excellent, can buy old copies of ACT! on eBay for $50, and you can use them on unlimited computers. But you need Windows XP, and it's basically for one person. A more modern solution, I got a deal on salesforce, up to 5 users, about $100/year. Not as easy to use as ACT!, but multiple users and being able to use it anywhere there is Internet is nice.

05-03-2016, 02:04 AM
My business is sales, so I know CRMs. Super cheap solution, if you have an old Windows XP computer laying around (or you can buy one cheap locally or on eBay), use old ACT! software. Bulletproof and excellent, can buy old copies of ACT! on eBay for $50, and you can use them on unlimited computers. But you need Windows XP, and it's basically for one person. A more modern solution, I got a deal on salesforce, up to 5 users, about $100/year. Not as easy to use as ACT!, but multiple users and being able to use it anywhere there is Internet is nice.

Could it not be runned on Windows 7 using the feature to run the software in compatibility mode? Thanks for the suggestion, will have to look it up.