View Full Version : Scheduled a Modesta Install

03-13-2016, 03:40 PM
To prepare my 2016 GT for the show field at the Ford Nationals in Carlisle, PA, I have scheduled to have my car detailed by a professional detailer. I have always detailed my own cars. I think I can do a better detail than the average person. To me, I think of detailing to be a stress reliever. Getting out in the garage, turning on the music, and just zoning in on cleaning and polishing the car/motorcycle. It has taken me both Sat and Sun to finish. I titled this, a Modesta Install. On their web site, they call the detailers, Installers. Interesting word to use, makes sense in a way... thoughts?

I still have my other cars I can detail. I just ordered 'Wolfgang Uber Ceramic Coating' to test on my wife's car. I read up on the other coats like this such as: Pinnacle, McKee's, Optimum, Duragloss, GTechniq, Chemical Guys, CQuartz, CarPro, Sonax and Wolfgang. Some of them like GTechniq and CQuartz (I'm sure others) have the 'light' version for sale to general public. They also have 'stronger' versions available only to trained detailers. It seems like there is a never ending new product released weekly. As much as I enjoy detailing my cars, filling my garage with the smell of a high quality carnauba pastewax... nice.

What I liked about Wolfgang's product is that it seemed like a forgiving coating to work with. Others have instructions like, do not reapply after flashing or it will stain the paint. I also read some horror stories of people getting in over their head with the coatings and having to strip their car with 1600 gauge to remove problem area's. Some say, do not use car washes, touch-less or other. The chemicals will react badly to the coating.Some can take a wax or sealant on top of them to help the coating, some can not. I'll be glad when we all switch over and handling them will be second nature to all. Seems like a lot to learn and understand.

Yes, I am new to the coating scene. I was kinda of sick from 2012 until maybe the last 6 months. I did not detail or stay current with trends. I did a little bit, ordered some supplies, but mostly sat in the garage, and my family did it for me. So, I did not ask for much, or what I would normally do. We just kept up with minimum maintenance. Now, I'm back! WOOOOT! I also contacted a Pro to do my DD. I know he will be able to do EVERYTHING. I'm not quite at that level, and am working on it!

I agree to the comments of people not in favor of coating that any car will look awesome once it goes through the process of paint correction and removing swirls and scratches. Once all the road tar, grease, old waxes and sealants are removed. Polishing, waxing and sealing from an absolute clean base will result in a fabulous looking paint job deep with gloss every time.

My research led me to believe that Modesta is one of the best coatings available. I liked what I heard from the videos and write-ups in forums I was able to find. The difference to wax is obviously length to time it stays glossy and clean. What we has always wanted, longer lasting wax and sealants. Safe on trim that is does not leave that white haze on it.

When I look at the cars treated with Modesta, they are completely stunning to look at. The level of gloss and shine is truly 1,000 miles deep. Modesta calls it a unique 'candy like' gloss. I am expecting that once treated properly and if I maintain it correctly, no more waxing and it is supposed to last years. I am looking forward to having my wheels coated so that the brake dust will have a much more difficult time attaching to them. The guy I contacted to do my car said it would be a 3-6 week curing time to get to full gloss and hardness. For that reason, I am having my car done 4 weeks before Carlisle.

I have a flashlight coming that is good for finding swirls. I will take pics before it goes for the Modesta coating and after to show side by side the difference. I'll have to create a situation that the light around me will be the same too. Just to be as accurate as possible for before/after.

I am wondering it anyone else has experience with Modesta? What is the upkeep like afterwards? It looks like there are maintenance sprays to use to help the coating. Looks like a spray to be used at every wash?

03-13-2016, 04:34 PM
I'd really like to get my hands on a sample of Modesta, CQFinest, and Ceramic Pro 9H to compare to Opti-Coat Pro+
Seems to me that those are the top coatings on the market today. If Modesta is anything like OCP+ all that is required is bi-weekly wash and a yearly decon wash, no toppers required.