View Full Version : Review: Griot's Garage PFM Terry Weave Towel Towel

03-09-2016, 04:49 PM
Griots Garage PFM Dual Weave Glass Towel, Set of 4 (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-pfm-glass-towels.html)
This is the second review of the GG products I was fortunate enough to acquire in the recent AG giveaway. Typically, my glass cleaning regimen includes either Meguiar's D120 or Sprayway glass cleaner and two towels, a regular MF and a smooth, silky dedicated glass MF from a local janitorial supply house. I use the plush MF as a "mop" to absorb most of the moisture and dirt, then wipe dry and polish with the smooth MF. If it works as well as advertised, I'd now have the option of doing the same job with only one
The new Griot's towel, as the description reads, is a dual-weave towel, with a thick weave on one side, smooth and silky on the other side.
Asking one towel to do the work of two seems like a tough task, especially considering these are only 9X9 inches, quite a bit smaller than I'm accustomed to using.
Time for a trial.
Since my DD had been rinseless washed the previous day and dried with the PFM Drying towel, the glass was still fine, so first test was on my garage queen El Camino. The glass had a couple months worth of garage dust, so I liberally used my D120 all around. As with the PFM Drying towel, these things are thirsty! Mop up the excess with the plush side, then flip it over and polish with the smooth side. No streaks, no issues. The sun was shining bright, even though temps were in the 40's, so next step was somewhat of a torture test. My garage door windows hadn't been done in months, so we had a winter's worth of waterspots on the outside, as well as a visible film on the inside. Once again using D120 liberally, I did both the inside and outside glass of one of my 8 ft. doors with the same towel used on the Camino. Once again, no streaks visible in the bright sunlight.
Would I buy them? At $24.99 for a four towel pack, they're certainly not cheap, but there's something to be said in for crawling in a car with only one towel for the entire interior and still doing a good job. Or walking a lap around an SUV with only one towel in hand. I've already stashed one in the cruise/show bag of my Camino, 'cause there's no need to pack two separate towels anymore.

Don't be concerned about the small size. If they fit your budget, you'll be hard-pressed to find a more effective glass towel.


03-09-2016, 04:54 PM
Love these towels but I still like to use two of them for doing a whole a car. :)