View Full Version : How many towels/mits do you use for a wash?

03-06-2016, 06:29 PM
Just for a wash and dry, no clay no polish or wax. Right now I have 12 gold plush jr's, 4 meguiars mits, and 3 cobra guzzler waffle drying towels. Wondering if that is enough.

Another question. What are the gold plush jr's mainly used for? The 380gsm ones.

Another question. How do you guys store your used towels/mits during a wash or detail? I store all my different things in their own clear plastic container, should I get one for used stuff? Should all used mits, towels, and drying towels go in the same container?

03-06-2016, 06:44 PM
Gold plush jrs I use for wax and polish removal.

I wash the upper 75% of the car first.

Then I wash the bottom 25% last as that is always the dirtiest part and higher risk of scratching, always use a.2 bucket method with grit guard.

And rub the MIT on the bottom of the grit guard.