View Full Version : 303 multi surface cleaner dilution rates?

02-19-2016, 10:35 PM
I bought a gallon 303 cleaner for APC, but did not see any dilution rate on it.

I thought it's concentraed, but looks like not. cannot find any x:y ratio on either laber nor AG store site.

Is it just straight use out of bottle? or need to be diluated?


02-19-2016, 10:53 PM
How much did the gallon cost? [including shipping]

02-20-2016, 12:09 AM
I believe all of the 303 products are RTU and not intended to be diluted.

02-20-2016, 12:48 AM
•303 Multi-Surface Cleaner is a "concentrate".
-Yes...it can be used safely at full strength.
-It also can be diluted to several different ratios
(desired strengths/"least aggressive method first")

-I've used it @:
1:6, 1:10, 1:20, and even 1:30 ratios

•To simplify:
-303 Multi-Surface Cleaner is the concentrated
version of the RTU 303 Spot Cleaner.


02-28-2016, 06:56 PM
Good to know, I wonder why 303 doesn't state this on the bottle? I use to use the carpet cleaner and it lists the ratios on the bottle. I know this is the same product with a different name.