View Full Version : 2011 F150 Lariat-- Opti Coat Pro Plus -- Baltimore MD B's Wax, LLC

02-16-2016, 11:27 PM
At the beginning of the month I was approved for Opti-Coat Pro applications. This was a huge step for me, as it's been something that I've wanted to offer to my clients for a bit over a year now. Due to the snow and other obstacles, we hadn't had any clients request OCP yet...

Last Thursday I was out for a major surgery, in my down time I figured 'Why not have my employee coat our vehicle?'... So, that's what we did today.

The truck was previously coated by a 2 year ceramic coating from another company... I instructed my employee how to remove the coating, then prep the new surface properly for Opti Coat to bond properly...

Anywho-- on to the photos!





Here's the awesome part. Since this was our first Opti Coat Pro (or Pro Plus) application it was new to both of us. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get my hands 'dirty' and do anything today due to the circumstances, however I overlooked the entire application. After just the first layer of Opti Coat Pro there was a noticeable difference in the look and gloss of the vehicle. After Pro Plus was applied, my mind was blown. It was like it totally transformed the look, especially the flake. Now, I've seen other coatings do this on certain vehicles with flake-- but never something so close to me, obviously, as this is my personal truck.

All this being said, the OCP application was a breeze. I can't wait to update on the durability of this coating!

02-17-2016, 02:25 AM
The truck looks fantastic!

Funny, I just clicked on the show n shine forum to find some pictures of cleaned up F150s and this one was nearly at the top of the first page. I have a loaded out 14 FX4 that I purchased new last year. For the first time in my life, I have a vehicle that I haven't touched beyond a good wash and wipe down with a detailer. I guess it's the size of the truck and the fact that I only have a porter cable that has kept me from polishing and sealing it (I usually do this within a few days of buying a new vehicle.)

Picked up a ton of BF products over the weekend and I'm planning on doing a full polish and seal this weekend. Hopefully mine comes out as good as your fantastic looking lariat.

02-17-2016, 02:59 AM
Beautiful work on that Ford F150, sometimes taking a load off really helps you enjoy this hobby that much more, keep up the great work

02-17-2016, 01:08 PM
The truck looks fantastic!

Funny, I just clicked on the show n shine forum to find some pictures of cleaned up F150s and this one was nearly at the top of the first page. I have a loaded out 14 FX4 that I purchased new last year. For the first time in my life, I have a vehicle that I haven't touched beyond a good wash and wipe down with a detailer. I guess it's the size of the truck and the fact that I only have a porter cable that has kept me from polishing and sealing it (I usually do this within a few days of buying a new vehicle.)

Picked up a ton of BF products over the weekend and I'm planning on doing a full polish and seal this weekend. Hopefully mine comes out as good as your fantastic looking lariat.

What color is yours? Is this your first truck?

I love detailing trucks, usually big open panels that are easy to work! It goes by much faster than you'd expect because of that.

02-17-2016, 11:10 PM
What color is yours? Is this your first truck?

I love detailing trucks, usually big open panels that are easy to work! It goes by much faster than you'd expect because of that.

My FX4 is silver. I'm on my 5th truck, my 2nd since I started detailing. The truck I bought a year after I started detailing, I only owned 4 months before I traded. Between working and going to paramedic school, I just never had the time to get to it.

I've been wanting to pick up a flex or rupes for my truck. I still have a PC 7424XP and my 5.5" LC Pads.