View Full Version : ONR how dirty question

Coopers ST
02-09-2016, 10:10 AM
I have a question about using ONR. No it isn't how dirty can the car be, but how dirty is too dirty for the water in the bucket to continue to use? How many washes do you do before you change the solution? I am using the ONR Big Red Sponge instead of microfibers, and pre spraying with a waterless wash first.

Setec Astronomy
02-09-2016, 10:27 AM
I only use it once, but I'm not running a business.

If you're using a grit guard, I think Yvan says you can keep using the same solution until it loses effectiveness.

I use a separate rinse bucket so my solution bucket stays pretty clean. Perhaps that's an option for you if you're doing this professionally, then you can dump the rinse bucket when it's dirty. I run 25% of normal dilution in the rinse bucket so I don't dilute the solution bucket too much.

02-09-2016, 10:32 AM
I have a question about using ONR. No it isn't how dirty can the car be, but how dirty is too dirty for the water in the bucket to continue to use? How many washes do you do before you change the solution? I am using the ONR Big Red Sponge instead of microfibers, and pre spraying with a waterless wash first.

If it's caked with dirt/mud/sand/salt, etc. Hit the DIY and blast off what you can first. Always best to do so. Otherwise, if it's just rain, light salt spray it's fine to just pre-soak it. I did our van this weekend and it was just rain coated and only used (6) 16x16 towels total to wash it.

I personally use a modified Gary Dean Method (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/98601-using-rinseless-waterless-washes-together-2.html#post1345425). IMO it works best and towels are easy to clean. Far far less chance of grinding any grit into the paint. My solution is always clean and never reintroduces dirt. I don't care how good one rinses, to dunk the same towel or sponge back is going to introduce contaminants.

Key IMO is to use a high quality MF Towel. The very plush Korean 480gsm ones work great as they hold a ton of solution to keep things slick and the weight of it alone is all you need. Once the towel is soiled, toss it in another bucket to be laundered. You can get 16 clean/virgin passes out of a quality towel.

I have two black vehicles and am super sensitive to micro marring so call me OCD but the above works well for me. YMMV.

02-09-2016, 11:23 AM
I have a question about using ONR. No it isn't how dirty can the car be, but how dirty is too dirty for the water in the bucket to continue to use? How many washes do you do before you change the solution? I am using the ONR Big Red Sponge instead of microfibers, and pre spraying with a waterless wash first.
I would change the solution after EVERY wash. I use the Gary Dean method and it works great. Uses a lot of towels, but still less than a full wash load.

02-09-2016, 11:39 AM
I sure wouldn't use a sponge full of any Brand's
dirty Rinseless-Wash mixture on my vehicles.


02-09-2016, 11:43 AM
I normally use it for at least 2 to 3 vehicles. I fill up a bucket with grit guard with 4 gallons of rinseless mix. By the time it gets towards the grit guard at bottom, I've done 2 to 3 cars. Then I change it out.

Paul A.
02-09-2016, 12:04 PM
I also use a rinse bucket and actually 2 in addition to my ONR bucket. I place a rinse bucket on each side of the vehicle and after wiping on the onr rinse my sponge out in a relatively clean rinse bucket before moving on to the next section. I like having my ONR bucket at the end of the wash almost as clean as when i started.

I then put a lid on it and do the wife's car later! Shhhh, don't tell her she's getting leftover ONR but, hey...my car is black and hers is white.

02-09-2016, 04:00 PM
I sure wouldn't use a sponge full of any Brand's
dirty Rinseless-Wash mixture on my vehicles.

I second that. I know there are a lot of great sponges and mitts, but personally, I'll use 10 plush towels on my own vehicle. Each towel is folded into quarters. That's one swipe per quarter basically.

I know that sounds excessive, but with pretreating the paint with D114 spray and using ONR/WGURW or whatever rinseless wash like this allows me to do my car all year long without swirls.

(I'd prefer a two bucket wash, but from Nov-April, that's not practical or advisable in Chicago!!!!)