View Full Version : Storing used/wet microfiber towels before washing?

02-04-2016, 06:22 PM
Two questions about microfiber towels:

1) How long can we store wet microfiber towels used for waterless/rinseless washing before mildew/mold becomes a problem?

2) Why do brand new microfiber towels need to be washed before using? Would visual inspection for debris be sufficient?

02-04-2016, 06:31 PM
Two questions about microfiber towels:

1) How long can we store wet microfiber towels used for waterless/rinseless washing before mildew/mold becomes a problem?

2) Why do brand new microfiber towels need to be washed before using? Would visual inspection for debris be sufficient?

1. I soak mine for a day or two in dilute Micro Restore before washing. Not sure what the longest would be.

2. Brand new towels also tend to shed a lot of lint initially and might have other stuff deep in the fibers. Best to wash first.

02-04-2016, 06:40 PM
Two questions about microfiber towels:

1) How long can we store wet microfiber towels used for waterless/rinseless washing before mildew/mold becomes a problem?

2) Why do brand new microfiber towels need to be washed before using? Would visual inspection for debris be sufficient?

1) you can soak them in a bucket of water and release as much dirt as possible before ringing them out and hanging on pant hangers with clips to dry. when you have enough towels to do a load then do so.
2) new microfiber towels may lint and/or have contaminants from when they were made (could of been dropped on the floor), in transit to it's buyer, and then finally reaching you. it's just safe practice. nothing worse than wiping down the glass/paint only to notice tons of lint all over the place. then again, if you use one and there's no ill effects, who's to say that you can't...

02-04-2016, 06:49 PM
1. I go 1 day at most. I did go 5 days once w/o mildew prior to washing

2. most mfg's themselves tell you to wash prior to 1st use

02-04-2016, 07:06 PM
If you have APC in the bucket, it could go for months.

02-04-2016, 07:45 PM
If you have APC in the bucket, it could go for months.

Really? Soaking that long will not have any ill effects on the MF? I'd like to be able to do that...small washing machine loads of MF seems so wasteful.

02-04-2016, 08:07 PM
I usually take them to the wash tub in our laundry room, rinse them out with a hose to remove as much dirt, etc. and then wring them out really good and lay them on a drying rack if I don't have enough to wash. ONce dried they are fine to leave in the hamper I have specifically for car stuff.

02-04-2016, 08:38 PM
Really? Soaking that long will not have any ill effects on the MF? I'd like to be able to do that...small washing machine loads of MF seems so wasteful.

I've had ultra plush and cheapo Costco yellow devils soak in apc for a couple months with no ill effects. I don't make it a habit to do this, but the first time I just forgot about it and the second time I was in the hospital and couldn't detail for several months.

02-04-2016, 08:59 PM
Very helpful comments and ideas.

People that rinse/hang/etc their microfiber towels...that's a lot of work.

I like the idea of soaking used towels in APC (or perhaps D114) until I'm almost out of my clean towels (ususally 1 month). Looking for more confirmation of people doing this.

I've used unwashed brand new microfibers from Costco to Chinchillas and others towels without lint/debris problems. I usually shake/whip the new towels before use.

02-04-2016, 09:10 PM
Very helpful comments and ideas.


People that rinse/hang/etc their microfiber towels...that's a lot of work.

I like the idea of soaking used towels in APC (or perhaps D114) until I'm almost out of my clean towels (ususally 1 month). Looking for more confirmation of people doing this.


I've used unwashed brand new microfibers from Costco to Chinchillas and others towels without lint/debris problems. I usually shake/whip the new towels before use.

1) I usually use about 20 or so towels everytime I do a Rinseless wash and spray wax/sealant. It's a big enough load for me to wash immediately. Towels are an investment. Why not take the time to take care of them.

2) Totally up to you. It's your paint you're risking were just telling you what most people and manufacturers recommend.

02-05-2016, 06:25 AM
I do 20 to 30 towel a night 6 days a week for the detail biz.

Setec Astronomy
02-05-2016, 08:07 AM
IMO and IME if you leave a bucket of cleaner with dirty towels in it for months, it will get rather funky. Some of it may depend on what you have in the towels.

02-05-2016, 08:40 AM
I've got hundreds of towels, and I am lazy, so I wait until I have very few clean ones to do the laundry... which means many of the towels have been left for over a month since they were last used. I toss them in a mesh hamper when they are dirty, and that is where they sit until they are washed.

I've never had mildew or mold on them. They dry out on their own since they are kept in an open hamper.