View Full Version : Should I keep my pressure washer?

01-31-2016, 08:15 PM
It's a 2800 PSI Gas-powered pressure washer. I don't like using it, because it's more trouble to set it up than it is to wash my car by hand. And hand washing turns out better.

The only reason I can see to keep it is for the undercarriage, but do I even need it for that?

... Any reasons to keep my washer?

01-31-2016, 09:20 PM
I like my pressure washer...but I too find it a pain to use. Some thoughts:

Electric are a bit less hassle than gas.

A pressure washer is a GREAT prep tool before washing, especially with a
foam canon if the weather is nice. It is NOT a single tool to completely "wash" a vehicle. Some form of hand washing (aka agitation) is necessary. Pressure washers do a great job pre-rinsing before waterless/rinseless washes...as well as bucket washes!

I'll always have a pressure washer. Great prep/rinse tool. Gets into hard to reach areas, including wheel wells and undercarriage. And good for much more than just washing vehicles.

01-31-2016, 09:27 PM
Good point on wheel wells, those are a pain to clean.
I'll probably keep my gas, don't want to go electric.. also a pain, and lack power. I would rather fill up with gas than plug in, the cords are a major pain. (I had one)


01-31-2016, 10:15 PM
if i were detailing cars regularly i wouldn't be without a pressure washer. the majority of the gas pressure washers that are budget friendly (under $500) aren't meant to be run all the time because the pumps will eventually go bad. if i had the money to spend over $500 for a higher quality one i would, but until then my electric has served me well for many years...

01-31-2016, 10:55 PM
a solid electric one is awesome! I wouldn't be without mine at all anymore.I went the AR Blue Clean route with mine and really like it. I currently have the AR 383 AR383 Pressure Washer | AR Blue Clean 383 Power Washers (http://www.arblueclean.com/Products/1900-psi-power-washer-88.cfm) but I think I'm upgrading to the AR 390 AR390SS 2000 PSI Electric Pressure Washer | AR Blue Clean (http://www.arblueclean.com/Products/2000-psi-electric-power-washer-166.cfm)
with and extension hose for the shop so I never even have to move it. Simply plug it in, attach a hose and go, and 2000 PSI is really all you need IMO to wash/rinse a car. Plus you save a ton of water with a pressure washer too!

02-01-2016, 10:29 PM
I've never used my pressure washer to clean my car (yet). So, what kind and how much car wash soap do you guys use in your foam cannon?

02-02-2016, 10:15 AM
Here's my take on your thread-starter's question:

If it's already bought and paid for...why not
just go ahead and keep it: Pressure Washers
also have many non-automotive uses.


02-02-2016, 11:27 AM
I just use a pressure washer to rinse and does not replace a traditional hand wash.

Paul A.
02-02-2016, 12:40 PM
I use mine often but understand how its a PITA to set up. I now keep my nozzle hose hooked up to it and when i break it out i only have to hook up the water supply side hose. Oh, and plug it in...it's electric. I don't think its too much different than say my buffer that may need a different backing plate and a plug in too. At least keep it for the undercarriage, like others said...hey, its already paid for.

Plus, like Bob said, i use it for more than just vehicle duty and it's ready to go.