View Full Version : anybody here use adams polishes

01-28-2016, 08:44 AM
just wondering if anybody here has used adams polishes products?

If you did, how did you like them? what did you use? how was the price? etc?

Just curious, looking at their website now, It looks straight forward compared to CG with 1 million options.

Just curious on your opinion and reviews

Setec Astronomy
01-28-2016, 09:01 AM
This may be a thread that gets limited response due to the following:

Forum Rules

The purpose of Autogeekonline.com is for detailing discussion, providing a place for likeminded auto "Geeks" to share knowledge and partake in fellowship.

1. The AutogeekOnline discussion forum is exclusively sponsored by Autogeek.com. Product discussion should be limited to products that are available from Autogeek.com and PBMA's family of websites.

Links or recommendations to competing products and companies that are not available through Autogeek.com will be deleted.

01-28-2016, 09:03 AM
Perhaps you will find the answer you seek on the Adams forum...

Rule #1

01-28-2016, 09:04 AM
sorry guys....didnt mean to start anything!

mods feel free to delete the post

I was just curious is all

Setec Astronomy
01-28-2016, 09:10 AM
sorry guys....didnt mean to start anything!

mods feel free to delete the post

I was just curious is all

No apologies necessary, in a different time this might have been a great thread in which the virtues of products available at AG might have been brought to light vs. the products you asked about, and why the AG products might be a better choice, but as of late those type of discussions have been frowned upon.

Coopers ST
01-28-2016, 09:39 AM
I will try to answer this without getting in trouble. Adams is local to me, I have been there before, and will go to other demos they have. IMHO they make good product that work and do what they say they are going to do. That being said you can get other products here that work just as well if not better for less. Example is Adams in and out spray. I like it, but at $15 it is expensive. Here you can get Meguiars plastic and vinyl spray for $6. The Megs stuff is just as good, and more than half the price.
What Adams has going for it is ease of use for weekend warriors. Polishes are all one color and the pads for polishes are the same color, waxes/sealants another color, and pads that color. They make it easy

01-28-2016, 09:46 AM
I will try to answer this without getting in trouble. Adams is local to me, I have been there before, and will go to other demos they have. IMHO they make good product that work and do what they say they are going to do. That being said you can get other products here that work just as well if not better for less. Example is Adams in and out spray. I like it, but at $15 it is expensive. Here you can get Meguiars plastic and vinyl spray for $6. The Megs stuff is just as good, and more than half the price.
What Adams has going for it is ease of use for weekend warriors. Polishes are all one color and the pads for polishes are the same color, waxes/sealants another color, and pads that color. They make it easy

thank you, thats all i wanted to know!

Again, Mods, im sorry for starting this...i honestly didnt know, and i dont want to get into any trouble. Feel free to delete this thread

My apologies

PS, Thanks to those that responded and pm'd me! much appreciated!

07-30-2017, 11:56 AM
I use a ton of Adams stuff, I probably own 90% of their liquids, i cant say anything bad at all. The stuff is a little pricey, but i feel it is more concentrated, they always say less is more and you can really stretch out a 16oz bottle of anything. They have sales constantly along with free shipping or $6/7 flat rate shipping, like Mike has said before if you're curious give it a try and see for yourself. Also, everything they sell has a fantastic scent to it!

07-30-2017, 02:22 PM
...everything they sell has
a fantastic scent to it!
I can't help but wonder
if that chimerical scent...
isn't just a cover-up for
many chemical suspects.
