View Full Version : Is it possible for waxing to scratch a finish?

01-26-2016, 10:59 PM
I noticed today when working on another dark colored vehicle with medium-hard paint that after applying Meguiar's M20 and buffing it off there appear to be micro-scratches very close together. I wiped an area down with IPA to see it was sealant residue and the scratches are still present. I always use a microfiber applicator pad to apply the sealant in straight lines back and forth and then a good quality microfiber to remove the sealant and then a final one to buff the surface clean.

I tried switching to terry applicators and soft foam ones with the same results.

Anyone else ever ran into this problem with waxing or sealing?

BTW... I did paint correction on the vehicle with M205 followed by an IPA wiped down and the scratches do not appear until after the wax is buffed off. They are not terribly noticeable and the customer did not seem to notice even though I did point out to them that I had a bit of an issue applying the paint sealant and I thought it may have put micro-scratches in the paint. I do however notice those things and it bothers me.

Sizzle Chest
01-26-2016, 11:16 PM
Yes, it is entirely possible to induce marring while waxing/sealing. The most likely scenario is that the marring is being introduced while removing the wax/sealant.

Some finished are very sensitive to what towel you are using for removal. Next time you can complete a section and then hit it with your lights/sunlight and see if you have any marring. If so, change up your towels/amount of pressure and see if that solves what you are experiencing.

Hope this helps!

Dr Oldz
01-27-2016, 12:55 AM
Yes. It's an unfortunate byproduct of touching the paint too much. :(

When I hit these occasions, usually pinnacle SSII or BFWD are my LSPs of choice as they require minimal effort to remove

01-27-2016, 02:34 AM
Perhaps you could also look at changing from a microfiber applicator to apply you LSP to maybe a foam based applicator. The MF applicator will itself have some 'cut' and it *could* be imparting scratches as you apply the LSP - foam would be less inclined to do so.

Also as mentioned, check your towels.

Lastly, is everything CLEAN (the applicator to apply your LSP, the paint, and any towels used for wiping off?

01-27-2016, 10:00 AM
I have clean towels and applicators. I have tried using microfiber to wipe the surface and also some very soft terry like towels which are very thin and softer than a t-shirt. Those help the situation better but the marring is still present.

01-27-2016, 10:02 AM
Dr. Oldz,

Will paint get this sensitive when the clear coat gets diminished to much? I know this person has had the vehicle polished and sealed yearly since they bought it. It's about 7-8 years old.

01-27-2016, 12:17 PM
The wax itself probably won't scratch. Are you sure it's just a wax not an AIO or such?

Your towels or applicators could be contaminated with dirt from previous use also