View Full Version : Diluted Dilutions

01-26-2016, 10:15 AM
Lets say I've got a bottle of something diluted 1:16, but I need a quick dilution of 1:32... can I just dilute the 1:16 1:1 and get 1:32?

I feel like I should have paid more attention in Chemistry now....

01-26-2016, 10:20 AM

01-26-2016, 10:24 AM
Yes math is math

Mike Honcho
01-26-2016, 10:29 AM

01-26-2016, 11:33 AM
Lets say I've got a bottle of something diluted 1:16,
but I need a quick dilution of 1:32...

can I just dilute the
1:16 1:1 and get 1:32?

Help me to get this straight:

Are you asking if you take a product, let's
call it "A", and dilute it @ a ratio of 1:16...
(Let's say that ratio is: 1oz of product "A"
to 16oz of "Water")...and put it in a vessel
resulting in, let's call it: product "B"...

And, then...to further dilute product "B"
(currently @1:16 ratio) to a ratio of 1:32...

You would take the 1:16 product "B" and
further dilute it @1:1---that's one part
"B" to one part "Water"---in order to then
have a product, let's call it "C", @ 1:32 ratio?



01-26-2016, 12:27 PM
Yes but just make sure you shake well before you mix to you have a more even mix. Should always shake well before mixing some products can phase separate during storage.