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01-12-2016, 06:40 PM
This Mercedes CL500 came in the shop recently.



Proud of the work we do at my shop!

01-12-2016, 07:11 PM
Wow that interior was FOUL! I thought my cars with two children would be bad but a few crusty apple cores and crushed cheese-its is nothing against that. What was the story behind it and how did you confirm that the mold was not still below the surface or in the AC system?

01-12-2016, 07:20 PM
This Mercedes CL500 came in the shop recently.



Proud of the work we do at my shop!I really hope you protected your self,I was asked to do a vehicle just like that or maybe worse a brand new porche suv,one of the employees left the sunroof open at a dealership.I turned it down then it was a total loss by the insurance.

01-12-2016, 07:24 PM
Wow that interior was FOUL! I thought my cars with two children would be bad but a few crusty apple cores and crushed cheese-its is nothing against that. What was the story behind it and how did you confirm that the mold was not still below the surface or in the AC system?

That should of been a loss,it's horrific to look at.Ive done like 20 cars from the twin towers incident and was suited from head to toe.

01-12-2016, 07:30 PM
I did explain to the customer that this could be only a superficial cleaning. They did try to put a claim on there insurance however mold is not covered when it's in storage. It sat for 2 years in a garage unused.

01-12-2016, 07:37 PM
Oh wow, that's gnarly. The most mold in a car I have ever encountered, was due to some old food that leaked out of a Tupperware. I don't think I would have had the stomach for that.

01-12-2016, 07:40 PM
Great job brother,

That situation was a huge undertaking, and you came out with pride. I hope they take better care of the situation and use some sort of bleach solution if if re-appears. Don't know, can you use any type of bleach to kill the mold, without hurting the fabric?



01-12-2016, 07:40 PM
I did explain to the customer that this could be only a superficial cleaning. They did try to put a claim on there insurance however mold is not covered when it's in storage. It sat for 2 years in a garage unused.That will return most definetly and even more so because of the little holes in the seats,be careful when messing around with that,I'm a victim of that scenario,but not as severe.It took 5 months and numerous doctor visits to be recovered from mold in a Astro van.

01-12-2016, 07:42 PM
I did explain to the customer that this could be only a superficial cleaning. They did try to put a claim on there insurance however mold is not covered when it's in storage. It sat for 2 years in a garage unused. I would dump that car really quick.

01-12-2016, 07:45 PM
That will return most definetly and even more so because of the little holes in the seats,be careful when messing around with that,I'm a victim of that scenario,but not as severe.It took 5 months and numerous doctor visits to be recovered from mold in a Astro van.

Damn! Glad you're OK GSKR. Mold is some serious s#it. Take care.



01-12-2016, 09:04 PM
Great Work Dennis!

"Bleach is a much more effective antimicrobial chemical at an acidic pH value than at the alkaline Ph value at which bleach is manufactured and stored. A small amount of household vinegar is sufficient to lower the pH of bleach to an acidic range," says Miner.
Miner and his colleagues compared the ability of alkaline (pH 11) and acidified (pH 6) bleach dilutions to disinfect surfaces contaminated with dried bacterial spores, considered the most resistant to disinfectants of all microbes. The alkaline dilution was practically ineffective, killing all of the spores on only 2.5 percent of the surfaces after 20 minutes. During the same time period the acidified solution killed all of the spores on all of the surfaces.

"Diluted bleach at an alkaline pH is a relatively poor disinfectant, but acidified diluted bleach will virtually kill anything in 10 to 20 minutes," says Miner. "In the event of an emergency involving Bacillus anthracis spores contaminating such environmental surfaces as counter tops, desk and table tops, and floors, for example, virtually every household has a sporicidal sterilant available in the form of diluted, acidified bleach."

Miner recommends first diluting one cup of household bleach in one gallon of water and then adding one cup of white vinegar.

I regularly mix a batch of this stuff, & keep it in the bathroom, & spritz the shower, if the smell is overpowering close the door & turn the bathroom fan on 10 - 15 min. No smell, no mold!

Truly amazing tweak the pH slightly, of bleach with vinegar, and you can kill up to & including anthrax spores!

Note: If you see mold, DO NOT DISTURB it (scrubbing etc), you just spread it. Spritz it with the above & spritz a wide area, around the mold, walk away, 30 min repeat. Wash gently, with limp/weak stream of water, down the drain.

I do not believe the above concoction, will stain, fabric, or harm leather. Test area extremely important. Then treat normally, clean or condition.

The above quote is from a testing lab, submitted by a microbiologist.

I also keep a spritzer in the kitchen, for spraying counter tops, cutting boards etc etc.

Full article here: Vinegar increases killing power of bleach | EurekAlert! Science News (http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-02/asfm-vik021306.php)

Test before attacking a whole interior, inconspicuous area FIRST!!!!

You Do not want to prolong breathing in this environment "STRONG SMELL" spritz & go. Or test area, spritz & go. Keep in mind if you saturate an area, it will take longer, for the smell, to be gone, but your more assured of TOTAL mold spore removal.

Mold & mold spores are very tough, to kill, they survive years in nature, & harsh conditions, & still can reproduce. So this is very strong stuff. Spritz & GO!

wing commander
01-12-2016, 09:22 PM
That will return most definetly and even more so because of the little holes in the seats,be careful when messing around with that,I'm a victim of that scenario,but not as severe.It took 5 months and numerous doctor visits to be recovered from mold in a Astro van.
Sorry that happened to you. What were the symptoms of mold sickness. If you could tell us what they are so we take precautions if we get into mold mistaking it for spilled milk.

01-12-2016, 09:46 PM
Sorry that happened to you. What were the symptoms of mold sickness. If you could tell us what they are so we take precautions if we get into mold mistaking it for spilled milk. severe chest tightening,fever and vomit.It Took a spinal tap test as they thought it was menagitis white blood cell count was out of range and swollen lymhnodes in neck.I had to wear a pump around my waist that was injecting medication for a week.A little spilled milk won't hurt,I was in the process of buying a Astro van sitting in the front seat and asked the owner if ac works she said yes I turned it on only to find out no ac just air.The very next day I was sick.

01-12-2016, 09:49 PM
Great Work Dennis!

I regularly mix a batch of this stuff, & keep it in the bathroom, & spritz the shower, if the smell is overpowering close the door & turn the bathroom fan on 10 - 15 min. No smell, no mold!

Truly amazing tweak the pH slightly, of bleach with vinegar, and you can kill up to & including anthrax spores!

Note: If you see mold, DO NOT DISTURB it (scrubbing etc), you just spread it. Spritz it with the above & spritz a wide area, around the mold, walk away, 30 min repeat. Wash gently, with limp/weak stream of water, down the drain.

I do not believe the above concoction, will stain, fabric, or harm leather. Test area extremely important. Then treat normally, clean or condition.

The above quote is from a testing lab, submitted by a microbiologist.

I also keep a spritzer in the kitchen, for spraying counter tops, cutting boards etc etc.

Full article here: Vinegar increases killing power of bleach | EurekAlert! Science News (http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-02/asfm-vik021306.php)

Test before attacking a whole interior, inconspicuous area FIRST!!!!

You Do not want to prolong breathing in this environment "STRONG SMELL" spritz & go. Or test area, spritz & go. Keep in mind if you saturate an area, it will take longer, for the smell, to be gone, but your more assured of TOTAL mold spore removal.

Mold & mold spores are very tough, to kill, they survive years in nature, & harsh conditions, & still can reproduce. So this is very strong stuff. Spritz & GO!

Words of wisdom. Thanks Rick.



01-12-2016, 10:30 PM
Hola Amigo,

Thank You for the kind words!