View Full Version : Wax and seal BEFORE applying clear bra?

01-11-2016, 05:57 PM

First time poster, been lurking for awhile. I'm looking to trade in my Ford Focus for a 2015 Genesis Coupe 3.8 R-Spec in Empire State Grey. I'd like to get an application of paint protection film done on it shortly after I take delivery of it. Is it wise to wax/seal the paint before the film goes on or will that potentially cause bonding issues with the films adhesive?

01-11-2016, 06:30 PM
The installer I know uses prep solvent to clean the area of any wax for maximum adherence. You could polish swirls out but no wax.

01-11-2016, 06:52 PM
•It's best to not apply protection products, like
Waxes/Sealants/Coatings before applying Paint
Protection Film (PPF)
-They will act as a hindrance:
interfering with the bonding process between
the PPF's adhesives and the vehicle's paint.

•I will suggest, though, to go ahead and polish
the areas that are going to have the PPF applied
to them...making them as blemish-free as possible.
-The remnants of any "polishing oils" will be
removed by the PPF installer's prep-products.


01-11-2016, 09:57 PM
Whats the best way to maintain PPF? Most waxes contain some form of an chemical abrasive, do they not? Wouldn't that hurt the film?

01-11-2016, 10:10 PM
Whats the best way to maintain PPF? Most waxes contain some form of an chemical abrasive, do they not? Wouldn't that hurt the film?
Are you planning to install the film yourself or have a trained installer do the work? If do it yourself, ask the film maker/supplier about pre-installation and post install issues. If a pro installer is doing the work, as him/her.

01-12-2016, 12:17 PM
When I had mine installed, they told me to pretend it wasn't there. Wash it, wax it, seal it to my hearts content. Just don't run a polisher over it because of the heat is what i was told by my installer.

01-12-2016, 12:26 PM
Xpel advises against applying any LSP, including coatings to surfaces that will receive their PPF

There are some high end Detailers that apply a coating under and on top of PPF. $$$$$$$

01-12-2016, 03:46 PM
I'm not doing the installation. I'm a weekend warrior level detailer, so I'll leave that to the pros.

03-08-2016, 12:52 PM
Xpel advises against applying any LSP, including coatings to surfaces that will receive their PPF

There are some high end Detailers that apply a coating under and on top of PPF. $$$$$$$

I'm a noob at detailing currently but trying to learn. When I bought my car the previous owner had Xpel on the front end of the car. What is LSP? Can I use Butter Wet Wax on the film? Can I use Jet Seal on the film? Can I clay the film?

03-08-2016, 01:51 PM
I'm a noob at detailing currently but trying to learn. When I bought my car the previous owner had Xpel on the front end of the car. What is LSP? Can I use Butter Wet Wax on the film? Can I use Jet Seal on the film? Can I clay the film?

LSP = last step process which is wax, sealant etc.
You can treat it like it's not there, but when you wax don't wax against the edge. Same is pressure washing, don't pressure wash against the edge.
You can clay it.

03-09-2016, 10:10 PM
I want to put the clear on my new car but having that whole edge across the hood is going to bug the crap out of me. Invisible my ass. Get any wax in there and it won't be coming out.

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