View Full Version : Need your experienced input - 2015 Mustang GT scratches - Help!

01-09-2016, 03:26 PM
Hi guys,

My 2015 Mustang GT was torpedoed by a surfboard on the highway, and I'd really like to avoid having it painted, so I am hoping you can offer some advice.

With your experience, you might be able to tell better than me, but it looks like it was only the clearcoat that got scratched and not the paint beneath. I'd like to see if it can be buffed out instead of painted. I also need to see if I can have the creased dent fixed with paintless dent repair but that's for later.

I have a PC 7424, an SFX-1 pad, an SFX-3 pad and Zaino Z2 and Z5. Would any of this be of use? I would probably need something a bit more abrasive than Zaino Z5 - maybe 2000 grit sand paper, Scratch X 2.0 or?

How would you go about repairing this? Any ideas welcome.


Mike lambert
01-09-2016, 03:49 PM
My first choice would be Meguiars d300 on micro pad, if you have to get more aggressive I would damp sand with 3000 on the da. Clear doesn't like heat so I would not hammer on it a lot with a bunch of different things.

01-09-2016, 03:56 PM
Looks like a easy you got away with murder,abrasion mark rather then a scratch from what I can see.Try to rub it out by hand and see what's left then post back.as far as the dent I can't pick it up,as long as the dent is not on a body line you maybe good.looks like a rubber abrasion should come right out.go with a experience dent guy.a lot of them say there good but there hacks.

01-09-2016, 04:19 PM
Use what you have it should clean up with 2.0 or even hairspray.

01-09-2016, 04:58 PM
I see the dent now using the garage beams you should be good not really a complex dent.

01-09-2016, 07:13 PM
Mike> Thanks for your suggestion!

GSKR> I am unable to work on the car tonight and I have been out most of the day, but I'll report back tomorrow with pictures after I've cleaned/buffed. I am hoping you are right about the rubber abrasion, but it definitely makes sense. I ran my nail over it gently to see if there were any deep scratches, and it looked like it removed a bit of the abrasion.

In regards to the dent. I've been contacting a couple of people with good reviews in the Orlando, FL area, but still waiting to hear back. Hopefully I can find a reputable person.

Would you have to pull the headliner or anything else to get to the dent, or pull it using the glue method or what would be the least intrusive method? I am glad to hear it doesn't look too complex.

(Fortunately my windshield took most of the impact)

01-09-2016, 07:24 PM
In orlando there are a ton of pdr guys because of all the auctions there.I would go to ford where you maybe purchased the car,they would not hire sloppy pdr guys.Ive seen trainees ruin and stretch the metal and break windows.If you can't seem to find a confident pdr guy ,I got a pro 2 hrs south of you.

01-09-2016, 07:26 PM
Geez look at that glass,luckily a tragedy didn't happen.

01-09-2016, 07:31 PM
Honestly I think the headliner board would have to be removed on that side.Ive never saw the glue method in reality only on utube.Thats why I would go to the dealer for some backing if it's not repaired to your liking.

01-10-2016, 06:14 PM
I definitely consider myself lucky. It could easily have ended differently had it gone through the window.

Since the estimator had given me the go-ahead, I took a closer look at the damage today. The marks didn't come out by cleaning them, so I went and got some Meguiars ScratchX 2.0 as it is less agressive than d300 and attempted to remove it manually. It took too long, so I used the PC 7424 and that took care of most of it. I noticed a slight haze after I was done when I put a light to the paint, but it's foggy today so it is difficult to spot. I'm thinking maybe the Zaino Z5 swirl remover could make it shiny again?

The dent is easier to see now. For the curious I uploaded a video at https://vid.me/ZK39 (https://vid.me/0JTa)

GSKR, thanks for offering the referral! I might take you up on it. The problem is that I am not sure if I can go ahead and have my windshield changed before I get the dent fixed, in case the dent is not repairable and I'd need to take it to a bodyshop for a complete overhaul and they for some reason would need to take the windshield out again. The insurance wouldn't want to pay for that twice.

If anyone reading this have experience with paintless dent repairs, please take a look at the video and let me know if you think it's possible to do a PDR on.