View Full Version : Dodo juice ??

01-06-2016, 07:41 PM
Hey y'all,

Just received a sample (30ml) of their Rainforest Rub soft wax.
Would like to know what you have all tried and general opinions on favorites, length of protection an any thing else you'd like to share. Thanks & take care.



01-06-2016, 07:54 PM
Orange crush is nice,but on a hot humid day the hazing will sneak up on you.The others are ok.

01-06-2016, 07:58 PM
I have tropical red mist, low on eau, sour power, born to be mild, blue velvet, blue velvet pro, rainforest and supernatural. Born to be mild is my favorite wash, blue velvet is my favorite wax, and low on eau is nice to use. The only thing I won't rave about is the red mist. It has a decent learning curve and if you use too much, you will hate it.

01-06-2016, 09:01 PM
Just ordered two more small pods, Orange Crush and Purple Haze. Gonna try 'em all. BTW there's a code for 30% off your
Dodo order = dodo30. A lot of Dodo is on sale too. Take care.



01-06-2016, 09:05 PM
There are a couple "pro" versions, they are spectacular on dark vehicles. The look very nice, and offer durability too.

01-06-2016, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the reassurance, Scott. Been meaning to jump
into their line, and now is the perfect time. Take care.



01-06-2016, 09:21 PM
I have all their waxes and they are all excellent and high quality.

Tropical Mist is a god send down here in Florida in the summer time. You can spray it right on a hot vehicle and it doesn't dry up and flash, plenty of working time for a detail spray.

01-06-2016, 09:30 PM
I have all their waxes and they are all excellent and high quality.

Tropical Mist is a god send down here in Florida in the summer time. You can spray it right on a hot vehicle and it doesn't dry up and flash, plenty of working time for a detail spray.

Thank for the response sporty. I have a '94 Custom, first year for the rubber engine mounts. This bike is friggin beautiful, I'll try to get some pics. up. Take care.



01-07-2016, 05:20 AM
There are a couple "pro" versions, they are spectacular on dark vehicles. The look very nice, and offer durability too.
I agree here. I bought the "Pro" edition Rainforest Rub. After application the red on my wife's car actually looks a tad darker. As for durability....it seems to last forever. Very impressive.

01-07-2016, 07:55 AM
I love Purple Haze Pro topped with Blue Velvet on my Taurus. It seems to define the flake and really bring out the black base. The flake also shimmers in the sun.

01-07-2016, 08:59 AM
I like their products very much. I currently have BTBM and Supernatural Hybrid. I don't use them very often these days. I'm going to have to think about why that is the case.

01-07-2016, 09:39 AM
I used Diamond White on a family member's white Chevy about 4-5 months ago, still looks fantastic and feels slick to the touch, beads well too.

01-09-2016, 07:05 AM
I bought a 3-pack sampler of their waxes a couple years ago, and I really liked the product, but the price point was just a little too high for me at the time to buy the bigger pots.

Then I discovered their Home Brew the next year (last year) while searching for bday gift ideas to give others for my bday presents. I was very intrigued with that product's concept, and so I sent the link to my wife and told her it was my most desired gift for that coming bday.

She ended up getting it for me, and I promptly busted it open and cooked up my own wax! It truly was a great gift. From what I could find doing research on the Home Brew wax, it is basically just like their RainForest wax, in terms of performance, which I had previously tried and liked.

The kit cooks up quite a bit, basically now I have enough Dodo Juice wax to last me for several years. But since mine is truly unique (and completely new to most of my friends - "Dodo Bird, what? But I've never put wax on my pickup?!?), so I have taken to giving out small samples of it to my friends for their bdays and xmas if I'm at a loss for any other gift for them.

01-09-2016, 11:49 AM
orange crush on red paint is great. it gives it that wet look