View Full Version : Meguiar's MF pads...

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12-13-2015, 08:00 PM
Hey y'all,

Happy Holidays! Have some 5" Meg's MF pads on the way. Have heard nothing but good things, except for some Velcro separation, and that appears to be fixed. Have both the Cut and the Finish pads enroute. Xcut will wait. Please chime in with any experience, tips or voodoo you have concerning these pads. TIA and take care.



12-13-2015, 08:20 PM
Make sure you prime the pad completely and let it sit for about 5 minutes so fibers can soak up the product. Then before using pad blow out the excess. Add 3-4 dots and get at it. Something I been doing lately is before I am finish with 1 section I will blow out pads again to refluff fibers and do another pass or 2. Seems to help finish little nicer.

12-13-2015, 08:28 PM
They're great. Just make sure to prime the pad with 100% coverage prior to beginning. Using an old credit card works great for that. Other than that make sure to work clean. If you have compressed air that's ideal to clean the pads. If not a pad conditioning brush works good too. Me personally, I use a tightly folded terry towel to clean on the fly, followed by the pad conditioning brush.

Applying moderate pressure and slower motion for the initial passes, followed by less pressure on the last couple passes yields the best results.

12-13-2015, 08:32 PM
Make sure you prime the pad completely and let it sit for about 5 minutes so fibers can soak up the product. Then before using pad blow out the excess. Add 3-4 dots and get at it. Something I been doing lately is before I am finish with 1 section I will blow out pads again to refluff fibers and do another pass or 2. Seems to help finish little nicer.

Thanks for the tips. I can see cleaning or "blowing out" in between panels, but double passing seems time consuming and cost ineffective. I will try it though. Nothing to it but to do it. Thanks, take care.



12-13-2015, 09:24 PM
Make sure you prime the pad completely and let it sit for about 5 minutes so fibers can soak up the product. Then before using pad blow out the excess. Add 3-4 dots and get at it. Something I been doing lately is before I am finish with 1 section I will blow out pads again to refluff fibers and do another pass or 2. Seems to help finish little nicer.

I have the same technique, I'll do about 2-3 passes, blow out the pad then do another few passes.

12-13-2015, 10:02 PM
I'll give 'er a go. Thanks guys. I appreciate it.



12-13-2015, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the tips. I can see cleaning or "blowing out" in between panels, but double passing seems time consuming and cost ineffective. I will try it though. Nothing to it but to do it. Thanks, take care.



it is time consuming job. It's the same amount of passes. Usually do 4-6 passes anyways. I will do 2-4 passes blow out pads then do my last 2 passes.

12-14-2015, 07:43 AM
it is time consuming job. It's the same amount of passes. Usually do 4-6 passes anyways. I will do 2-4 passes blow out pads then do my last 2 passes.

Understood, I shall follow your advice, I see the practicality in it now. Thanks & take care.



12-14-2015, 08:25 AM
That's what we are all here for. To share info and knowledge as well as gain more knowledge

12-15-2015, 05:26 PM
Thank you for all the valuable advice so far, I appreciate it.
Please advise me on the length (panel, side etc...) that you would us an MG MF used with proper cleaning techniques. I've use both thin and thick foam and can tell when it's time for a change on those. Thanks folks, take care.



12-15-2015, 06:55 PM
Another thing to remember is with the Meg MF pads do not use full power. Speed 4 for cutting/compounding and speed 3 for polishing/finishing on most DA's is all you need. Anything more than that will get pads to hot and cause them to fall apart. Clean after every section. Not ever panel but every section. Keep sections small about 18"x18". After about 3 maybe 4 sections change pad

12-15-2015, 08:40 PM
Another thing to remember is with the Meg MF pads do not use full power. Speed 4 for cutting/compounding and speed 3 for polishing/finishing on most DA's is all you need. Anything more than that will get pads to hot and cause them to fall apart. Clean after every section. Not ever panel but every section. Keep sections small about 18"x18". After about 3 maybe 4 sections change pad

So that looks to be about 4 pads per avg. size car with proper cleaning techniques. Would you agree? Thanks.



P.S. My guitar amp may go to 11, but the buffer never sees the north side of 5. :buffing:

12-15-2015, 08:43 PM
Plan on atlesst 4 depending on size of car and how much corrections is needed but have 6 ready to go just in case

12-15-2015, 08:52 PM
Plan on atlesst 4 depending on size of car and how much corrections is needed but have 6 ready to go just in case

Roger. Thanks for your continued advice Stephen, I do appreciate it. Thanks again and take care.



12-15-2015, 09:15 PM
We all had to learn some how and from some where. And you're welcome