View Full Version : Klasse SG after XMT 360?

09-26-2007, 02:22 PM
Whats the experts say about using Klasse SG over the top of XMT 360? WIll it bond or should the Klasse SG be used only in conjunction with KAIO? I was told by another forum that it would bond no problem, but I am skeptical. Anybody ever try it? I would not be so skeptical if there was a consensus here that it would bond.

09-26-2007, 04:45 PM
Well perhaps I will be the guinea pig. My daughter is coming home from school in mid-October and I will do her car then. I have been told XMT 360 has a bit more correcting ability than KAIO (her car is parked outside 24/7), but would like the additional protection of the Klasse SG. That said I will give the XMT 360, klasse sg in that order a try. Dont have much to lose since I laready have both products.

09-26-2007, 05:18 PM
Yeah, I don't think that the 360 / SG combo would be a good idea.

The 360 does correct more than KAIO, but KAIO is made to be used in conjunction with the SG. If you are set to use the 360, just do an alcohol wipedown before the SG, but that'll remove the sealant properties of the 360, defeating the purpose unless you are only looking for the polishing properties of it. Klasse SG is pretty hard to work with and doesn't like to be used with other products, especially ones with a sealant or wax in them. Streaking and lack of durability would be my concerns. The streaking would most likely occur under the SG making it impossible to remove unless you take the SG off...

09-26-2007, 05:37 PM

09-27-2007, 07:23 AM
Maybe I'll just do the 360 and cover with Collinite 885 fleetwax. I have that coming in today. thanks for the replies.

09-27-2007, 08:02 AM
The XMT360 and the KAIO in my opinion are meant to be topped. Sure you can use it as a stand-alone if you want, I just think they look better when you use a nice wax on top of it

09-27-2007, 08:45 AM
Maybe I'll just do the 360 and cover with Collinite 885 fleetwax. I have that coming in today. thanks for the replies.

That'll be a killer combo for ya:awesome: