View Full Version : mini I detailed

09-25-2007, 09:11 PM
I thought I woudl share the detail of a red mini I did today. The guy is out of town and wanted me to do 4 cars. We sched this one and will do the rest later.
Hope you enjoy

Mini-tons of pics - Detailing Bliss Forum (http://detailingbliss.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12)

Any comments or questions

09-25-2007, 10:48 PM
what is detailing bliss??

09-26-2007, 01:34 AM
I think it Nica's company???

09-26-2007, 09:17 AM
I dunno but is it that hard to copy and paste the typing and imgs over here ? Or is this a way to create traffic on the other site?

BTW the link doesn't work ...

09-26-2007, 09:33 AM
:o um..aham...so what is Detailing Blissg? Well yes it's the name of a company. Kinda hard to explain really but I'll do my best.

A good friend of mine, when I say good friend we practically grew up in the same house and we still live close to each other, made me a business proposition I couldn't resist. This friend of mine told me that he would pay for a domain and that I could do as I wanted with it but it's purpose was for me and my details, he's paid people to do all the programing ect..ect..ect..I just had to come up with how I wanted the site to look and what contenct I wanted the site to have. Well let me tell you web deisng is tough, don't know how people can make a living out of it but it sure is challenging. Well long story short the owner (my good friend) prity much donated it to me and as to what it is, it's got two purposes. One is a detailing company, yes I now have my very own detailing company lol..how that happened I have no idea lol...oh well actually I know how but it has to do with my other friend (the fire truck friend lol) thanks to him I have a company now lol.

So Detailing Bliss is my home page with my company but at the same time it has a forum for me and others to share there details/ideas/opinions...well anything it's open for the entire world to post on.

Well I hope that explains a little, it's a bit more complicated then that but in a nut shell it was a business opportunity I couldn't resist, where it goes I honestly don't know but that's the history on Detailing Bliss.

09-26-2007, 09:51 AM
I dunno but is it that hard to copy and paste the typing and imgs over here ? Or is this a way to create traffic on the other site?

BTW the link doesn't work ...

Well the copy and paste is easy it's just the time it takes to load up the pictures..lol...as for the traffic comments..well I'm not to interested on generating traffic flow this is just my hoby and it will remain that way...now don't get me wrong if traffic is generated by it I'm all for it but not a big concern for me at the moment.

oh yea I too noticed that the site seems to be down...mmm...what did I do? hahahaha na probably the programers working away on it hahahaha.

09-26-2007, 10:11 AM
Congrats on the new site Nica, that's awesome! You aren't doing detailing full-time now, are you?

Let us know when the site is back up and running again, would love to join...

09-26-2007, 10:33 AM
Thank you P1et, na I still only detail on the weekends. I don't think I would ever give up my day job, but if all goes according to plan I may have to consider it. Most of my details are done on weekends only and so far I've got a few weekends booked :righton:

The site should be up shortly just on going changes, seriously though AG must have a big staff to keep up with the changes...I found out it takes quite a bit of effort to keep a site running so props to AG big props.

09-26-2007, 10:48 AM
lol...sorry CalgaryDetail totally off track..the detail looks great buddy. I do enjoy detailing Mini's really like the curves they have.

Thank you for sharing and sorry for the high jack :(

09-26-2007, 11:13 AM
Well the copy and paste is easy it's just the time it takes to load up the pictures.

Most people host their pictures on Photobucket or the AG gallery so all they have to do is copy their text along with the [img] codes and then you can copy and paste on different sites.

It's a little pain in the you know what to open up a post that directs you to another forum to view a detail. Especially when its another detailing forum ... Which is like competition to AGO I guess because killr closed down a thread wondering why Detail City was shut down, a detailing forum that Autogeek sponsors...

09-26-2007, 11:42 AM
budman3, I use photobucket as well and it works great but just been a little busy. As for the opening a link to a nother forum I sent a PM to Meghan to look in to it as I don't want to get my self in trouble. If it is not allowed they will let me know and by all means they can feel free to delete it. As for competition, I understand what you mean but I hardly think that I'm a competition to AG hahahaha....considering I still consider this fun for me hahaha..lol...but I do appretiate the feed back buddy and like I said I don't want to get my self in trouble so I'm waiting for the powers to be to decide what I can and can not do here at AG.