View Full Version : ::CQUARTZ:: A Few Tips Please

11-18-2015, 04:33 PM
Hello Autogeekers,

After starting a recent thread (which prompted great opinions) about narrowing down which coating I am trying for my first attempt, I decided on one I had been leaning towards for a while, and admittedly got swayed by the release of a new product/copilot, CarPro Essence. And the winner is...

CarPro CQuartz CQuartz Ceramic Quartz Paint Protection, CQuartz nano coating, nano paint sealant (http://www.autogeek.net/cquartz-50ml-kit.html)

So now just a few questions...

1. With newer formula, is it okay/beneficial to layer CQuartz ? If so, how many coats, and how long between coats ?

2. Even with new formula, still seems like some salty/mixed reviews about topping with CarPro Reload. Should I try new formula or stay away ? If attempting, how long wait after applying 1 and/or 2 coats of CQuartz ?

3. Making sure I have correct understanding of washes. Is CarPro IronX Snow Soap best for initial decontamination with CarPro IronX before correcting, and CarPro Reset used for cleaning after CQuartz is applied ?

4. For wheels, CQuartz or Dlux ? I will have both on hand, and maintain with CarPro Hydro2 (thanks for free samples).

5. I think after reading many articles, and watching vids, I feel confident in attempting this coating. But, still would love any tricks, tips, opinions, ideas, etc. that would help in a successful application and maintenance.

Thanks Everyone.
P.S. Excited to try Essence too :xyxthumbs:

11-18-2015, 04:57 PM
1. With newer formula, is it okay/beneficial to layer CQuartz ? If so, how many coats, and how long between coats ?

Yes. Adding additional coats will increase the overall thickness of the ceramic layer and providing substantially more protection. You should wait 45 minutes between each coat. I've used up to 6 layers (of CQuartz Finest) and there is a noticeable darkening effect after about 4 layers. Anything beyond that is most likely a waste of product and way overkill.

2. Even with new formula, still seems like some salty/mixed reviews about topping with CarPro Reload. Should I try new formula or stay away ? If attempting, how long wait after applying 1 and/or 2 coats of CQuartz ?

The newest version of Reload is WAY easier to use. For CQuartz they recommend to wait at least an hour to let the coating cross link before topping it with Reload. If for some reason you find it difficult to use you can dilute it with water up to 50/50 for easier application.

3. Making sure I have correct understanding of washes. Is CarPro IronX Snow Soap best for initial decontamination with CarPro IronX before correcting, and CarPro Reset used for cleaning after CQuartz is applied ?

IronX Snow Soap is not sufficient for initial decontamination. It is meant as a care regimen to keep your coated vehicle free of harmful iron deposits. When used regularly there will be very little need to clay the vehicle compared to a vehicle wearing conventional wax/sealant and washed with a traditional soap.

Reset is also a great car wash shampoo as it contains no gloss enhancers or rinsing aids that will leave a film on the coating and will not alter the hydrophobic qualities of the CQuartz layer. The best possible way to care for the coating would be to alternate between IronX Snow Soap and Reset every other wash. Or, just use Reset for each wash and periodically decon with IronX.

4. For wheels, CQuartz or Dlux ? I will have both on hand, and maintain with CarPro Hydro2 (thanks for free samples).

DLUX has a higher heat resistance than CQuartz and a higher solids (Si02) content. It is best for wheels. Although, CQuartz has a deeper more lustrous shine which is why it's is awesome for all painted surfaces. You could use either one and be very happy.

5. I think after reading many articles, and watching vids, I feel confident in attempting this coating. But, still would love any tricks, tips, opinions, ideas, etc. that would help in a successful application and maintenance.

Do a test panel before just coating the entire car. This will give you an idea of how the coating acts and the timing for when to level and buff off the residue. The best lighting is sunrise or sunset for seeing the coating flash. Or, point all of your lights away from the vehicle and let the light reflect off the walls/ceiling back onto the car. This will make it significantly easier to see where you have already applied the coating and allow you to see the product flashing (you can't see anything with direct lighting). Follow the directions and you'll be fine.

11-18-2015, 06:31 PM
Can't go wrong with Cquartz of any type. Just make sure to use several suede cloths when applying the coating. *You can turn it over half way through, just don't do the whole car with it.*

One thing though...
Buy the 10 pack of 16" square suede microfiber cloths. Then you can cut each one into sixteen 4" cloths! :D This makes your cost per cloth 12¢ versus $1.29!

If not the 40cm x 40cm, then the 20 x 20 and make 4 per cloth. Either way... it's a LOT cheaper than $1.29 per cloth.

11-18-2015, 08:07 PM
Yes. Adding additional coats will increase the overall thickness of the ceramic layer and providing substantially more protection. You should wait 45 minutes between each coat. I've used up to 6 layers (of CQuartz Finest) and there is a noticeable darkening effect after about 4 layers. Anything beyond that is most likely a waste of product and way overkill.

Are there any special steps in between coats besides time frame?

The newest version of Reload is WAY easier to use. For CQuartz they recommend to wait at least an hour to let the coating cross link before topping it with Reload. If for some reason you find it difficult to use you can dilute it with water up to 50/50 for easier application.

**So multi-layering with CQuartz...45 mins between coats.
**After last layer of CQuartz...at least 1 hour before Reload.

As for Reload, any need to multi-layer, or is that unnecessary/overkill ?

IronX Snow Soap is not sufficient for initial decontamination. It is meant as a care regimen to keep your coated vehicle free of harmful iron deposits. When used regularly there will be very little need to clay the vehicle compared to a vehicle wearing conventional wax/sealant and washed with a traditional soap.

Reset is also a great car wash shampoo as it contains no gloss enhancers or rinsing aids that will leave a film on the coating and will not alter the hydrophobic qualities of the CQuartz layer. The best possible way to care for the coating would be to alternate between IronX Snow Soap and Reset every other wash. Or, just use Reset for each wash and periodically decon with IronX.

Ok, so for CQuartz upkeep, Reset and IronX every-so-often...sound good ?

For initial wash/decontamination before IronX and correcting, any suggestions and/or favorites ?

DLUX has a higher heat resistance than CQuartz and a higher solids (Si02) content. It is best for wheels. Although, CQuartz has a deeper more lustrous shine which is why it's is awesome for all painted surfaces. You could use either one and be very happy.

Awesome, that's good to know. Was leaning towards Dlux from article I read. It's been a while since I read it, but think it might have been CEE DOG ? Not sure though, but Dlux sounds good. Plus I think in the end I will have more Dlux for them as opposed to CQuartz after paint and trim coating.

Do a test panel before just coating the entire car. This will give you an idea of how the coating acts and the timing for when to level and buff off the residue. The best lighting is sunrise or sunset for seeing the coating flash. Or, point all of your lights away from the vehicle and let the light reflect off the walls/ceiling back onto the car. This will make it significantly easier to see where you have already applied the coating and allow you to see the product flashing (you can't see anything with direct lighting). Follow the directions and you'll be fine.

Great, thanks for these tips, and all the other information. Some is new, some I have read, but after reading so many articles, I start to worry about my memory logging everything correctly. Thus, having this thread and feedback to confirm really helps out.


11-18-2015, 08:12 PM
Can't go wrong with Cquartz of any type. Just make sure to use several suede cloths when applying the coating. *You can turn it over half way through, just don't do the whole car with it.*

One thing though...
Buy the 10 pack of 16" square suede microfiber cloths. Then you can cut each one into sixteen 4" cloths! :D This makes your cost per cloth 12¢ versus $1.29!

If not the 40cm x 40cm, then the 20 x 20 and make 4 per cloth. Either way... it's a LOT cheaper than $1.29 per cloth.

Good advice, thanks :xyxthumbs:
As one of my favorite comics says...

My wife calls me cheap, and I constantly have to remind her...it's pronounced smart
