View Full Version : Griot’s Garage Finishing Sealant

11-11-2015, 07:45 PM
Can this be used with Griot's 6" Random Orbital (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/griots+garage+random+orbital.do?sortby=ourPicks&refType=) or can it only be used with Griot's G15 and G21,

11-11-2015, 07:58 PM
I think its safe to say it can be applied by any machine, or applied by hand.

11-11-2015, 08:21 PM
Even though FS is a part of GG's Boss Systems...
it may depend on how you plan on using it.

•If...As a Finishing Sealant:
-Most PC-style polishers (including the GG6")
should suffice.

•IF...As an AIO Sealant:
-FS contains abrasives. Who knows: they may not play
nicely with the GG6", or other "small-throw" polishers.

-"Test Spot" with the GG6"...before proceeding further.


11-11-2015, 08:49 PM
By Brownie: "We encourage people to use the BOSS CREAMS and BOSS PADS with the GG6. In fact, the lighter pads improve the smooth operation of the GG6 and delivers a better user experience. If you want the feel of a thicker pad, simply throw the Innerflex Pad in between the backing plate and pad. We will continue to offer the GG6. As far as I'm concerned, it is the most capable of the 5/16"-8mm Random Orbital/DA's on the market. Should you use the BOSS PADS with the GG6, know the pad rotation will increase and correcting capabilities as a result. "