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11-09-2015, 09:35 AM
Didn't happen to me, but a potential client. Their car was vandalized with spraypaint.

Is this something that can be
1.) wetsanded off (trizact 3000) or;
2.) compounded off (i.e. MF Pad with 101 or 105), much like we do with overspray or paint transfer from another car?
3.) Or, is something like this fairly permanent which will require a respray from an body shop?

Paul A.
11-09-2015, 09:41 AM
I would probably want to try a chemical based removal e.g. mineral spirits or a paint thinner type product and ASAP. That spray paint is above the vehicle paint (on top of) and i don't like destructive methods that can potentially get below what is needed for removal unless absolutely necessary. If you go the paint thinner route, wash THOROUGHLY when done to remove any solvent left behind.

11-09-2015, 09:44 AM
The key will be to attend to it as quickly as possible I would think. I don't know it Backset (meant for removing cement) will help you or not. Have you searched on AG for spray paint removal?

Audios S6
11-09-2015, 11:05 AM
Start by just trying to pressure wash it off, if it's fresh you may have some luck. Don't expect much here, but it's quick and not labor intensive, worth 5 minutes to try.

Then try a solvent (mineral spirits or paint thinner)

Then try a heavy duty clay bar

Finally consider wetsanding with 5000 grit

11-09-2015, 11:19 AM
had this happen around 2004 to this car:
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/207692_1009640451975_5972_n.jpg?oh=6c219637184f2b4 885805ec75759ac5b&oe=56ACAEAE

it was sprayed sometime around midnight and didn't get to be removed until the next afternoon.

on some parts it wiped off with mineral spirits, on others it was hit with a wool wheel and some polish. it was something mild, even though the wheel was aggressive.

a couple points -

the car didn't have any LSP
spray paint tech might have progressed over the last 11 or so years

powerwashing might be the best place to start, honestly.

11-09-2015, 11:22 AM
Believe it or not, Goof Off will remove this and leave the clear intact. Might also check out Rapid Remover, great for adhesives, not sure about spray paint.

11-09-2015, 11:25 AM
I would start with something milder and progress from there. After dealing with years-old road paint recently, I now have a full arsenal of chemical graffiti removers. I'd be willing to bet one of the simpler ones like Goof Off will work fine.

11-09-2015, 12:04 PM
All good info, thank you all!

11-09-2015, 12:06 PM
I saw a video posted here from Chemical guys about using just carnauba wax.

11-09-2015, 02:02 PM
I did a car like that before..clay or m105 on yellow pad wouldn't do it. Best bet is to measure the paint and then proceed with 2000, 2500, 3500 followed by polish.

Don't use 2000, 2500 too much.

11-09-2015, 02:28 PM
"LIFT OFF" spray paint graffiti remover, 22 oz. $8.98---Home Depot
"ZEP AUTOMOTIVE VANDAL MARK REMOVER" 14 oz. aerosol, $9.99 Advanced Auto

11-09-2015, 03:50 PM
I've never seen spray paint that was so durable it was difficult to remove from a vehicle. Mineral spirits, goof off, etc should make it melt right in front of your eyes.

The only time I've ever had stubborn spray paint was some that was left on a new Mercedes for 3 weeks because they were traveling & didn't take the time to clean it off. I had to use a heat gun to warm the area, not HOT, but warm and then apply MS.

11-09-2015, 05:49 PM
I saw a video posted here from Chemical guys about using just carnauba wax.

Natural Carnauba did the trick effortlessy! WOW!

11-09-2015, 06:15 PM
I helped out a neighbors daughter that had her car sprayed by a pissed of ex boyfriend.

It was a pretty heavy (dripping) coat of enamel spray paint. I tried the easy, safe ways to dissolve the spray but they didn't do anything. So I brought out the Big Gun.
Lacquer thinner.
It worked totally. Washed off the spray paint like it was water color.
And YES. I did test it on two inconspicuous spots first and it did not seem to remove any of the factory paint. All it did was dull the finish and remove every trace of wax while also removing the spray paint.
Then I just gave the finish a quick application of Fuzion and the finish was better than before the spray paint had been sprayed.
As a matter of fact the lacquer thinner removed all the surface contamination and the paint after the application of the Fuzion was smoother than she had ever felt it.

One word of warning. keep the lacquer thinner off the plastic headlights and tail lights. It can dissolve some plastics so test first.

11-09-2015, 07:10 PM
I'm working on a real disaster Nissan Altima oil based overspray job,car is 3 months old and of course black I tried thinner and tried to blast it off stuff is not budging.I used chemical guys black aggressive clay bar with sprayway glass cleaner and 6 hrs of rubbing,followed by src compound orange cobra cross cutting then polished with src finishing .Going back tomorrow to wash and seal.Sanding would be the very last option to tackle that job and goof off won't work.just patience and clay or lacquer thinner if the paint came out of a aerosol thinner should remove it easily.If your gonna sand be sure to charge for that and start at 3000 and hopefully you can do the whole car once with that grade,then start compounding or polishing good luck.