View Full Version : Pad Choice for Optimum Hyper Polish

11-06-2015, 01:00 AM
I have a white M3, hard paint that is in pretty good condition: some swirls and scratches, none too deep (I apologize for not posting a pic, but can't see defects on white paint with poor lighting). I have a flex with blue and orange hybrid pads as well 7424 with cyan and tangerine pads. Which would y'all recommend or should I get a different pad. Second, as far as technique...set speed to 5 for 4 passes then slow down speed or ease up on pressure for last 2 passes.
I appreciate your response.

Setec Astronomy
11-06-2015, 08:00 AM
I'd go with the Flex with the tangerine Hydro-Tech...but it sounds like that's not an option. I've never used the Hybrid pads, why don't you do a test spot with the blue Hybrid on the Flex? If you don't like that, try the tangerine on your PC.

I'm not sure if you're concerned that what you have is too coarse, or whether it's not coarse enough. If you really want to get the defects out you could go straight to that orange Hybrid on the Flex and follow with your PC with the Tangerine pad.

Hyper Polish is great and has a long work time, I'm sure you'll get good results once you dial in your method.

11-06-2015, 09:37 AM
I was concerned that the pad choice was not course enough. So are you saying 6 passes with orange, then another 6 passes with tangerine ?

Setec Astronomy
11-06-2015, 09:56 AM
Remember the aggressiveness of your approach is a combination of pad, product, machine, and technique (pressure, etc.).

Your polish (product) is fairly fine, but you have heavy cutting pads in the orange Hybrid and cyan HydroTech, so you already have the most aggressive (foam) pads in those two lines.

Your Flex is capable of doing more work than your PC. Your choice here comes down partially to how many steps you want to do, what level of defect removal you want, etc.

Since it's a white car, if you're not looking for perfection, and prefacing this again with my not having any experience with the Hybrid pad line, I'd do a test spot with the Flex and your blue pad. If that gives you satisfactory defect removal and finish, then you're done. If it doesn't have enough gloss, follow with your PC and the tangerine pad.

If it doesn't give you the defect removal you're looking for, go to Flex/orange Hybrid, if it's good you're done, if the gloss isn't there follow with the PC/tangerine, if the defects aren't gone you will need to retreat and get a more aggressive polish like Optimum Intensive or Hyper Compound, or a more aggressive pad (doubtful you will need that).

When you say 6 passes--um...we're not talking about 6 "sets" where you apply polish 6 times? You probably want to cross-hatch your section, and if you do it three times each direction...that's 6 passes?

Remember small sections, slow arm speed.