View Full Version : What kind of protection does duragloss 105 offer?

10-30-2015, 07:17 PM
Sorry, I'm a total beginner, but what elements does duragloss 105 protect against and how well does it protect when applied to OEM aluminum alloy wheels against dirt, brake dust...etc. My car will be parked under a tree (only choice available), so stuff like dew, pollen, bird droppings, dew drops from leaves...etc. As far as protection goes, how well does it compare against other paint sealants?

10-30-2015, 07:45 PM
When compared to "bare paint":

Sealants aren't going to provide no more
than a couple of extra precious minutes...
in order for you to remove in a timely manner:
the majority of the contaminates that you have
listed above...from causing possible damage(s)
to the underlying paint, and other vehicle surfaces.


10-30-2015, 08:29 PM
Bird droppings and tree sap will eat through anything.

Some coatings state they are impervious and some (like Cquartz) state at most 24 hours.

DG 105 is probably my favorite sealant. It looks good and it's definitely the most durable I've ever used, but it's no coating.

Make sure you use the 601 with it.

Klasse Act
10-30-2015, 08:42 PM
Bird droppings and tree sap will eat through anything.

Some coatings state they are impervious and some (like Cquartz) state at most 24 hours.

DG 105 is probably my favorite sealant. It looks good and it's definitely the most durable I've ever used, but it's no coating.

Make sure you use the 601 with it.

I couldn't agree more with any of this!

Get the #105 and #601 and maintain it with DG's rinseless wash and your all set. Also, if you get their RW, you can make a great quick detailer out of it by taking an empty gallon jug, adding 8-10 ounces of DG's rinseless wash and topping with distilled water. I only say to use distilled because its going to sit for a while, but for doing an actual rinseless wash, tap water is just fine. I like to pour in 3 ounces and measure out 3.5 gallons of wash solution in the wash bucket, this way you can dunk your spray bottle and have more than enough for pre-wash and to wash your ride. With whats left over I strain it with a mf glove over an old cat litter jug, large opening makes this easy. This way you don't throw away the old solution that's left, unless its really, really dirty which it should NEVER be when using the 2 bucket method.

Sorry if I went off track of your thread a bit but you'll thank me later if you go this route, trust me. Drop me a PM if you have any further questions, I'm a BIG fan of DG productsIm the MAN

10-30-2015, 11:12 PM
I would have agreed with conman1395 and Klasse Act regarding DG 105 until I tried FK1000p. I was totally satisfied and impressed with 105, but kept hearing rave reviews regarding 1000p so I gave it a try in July (2 coats 48 hours apart) and have been blown away. It sheds water like a coating and releases dirt so easily that I sometimes just do a pressure wash and blow dry and the car looks great. Real test came this past week when the car sat at the airport for a week with 4 bird bombs on the paint--washed it the day after we got home and they came off in a flash and there are no visible signs they were ever there.