View Full Version : How important is ___ to clients? Most people I know love a clean smell, but cant handle chemicals long term.

Dan Tran
10-27-2015, 05:57 AM
.....regarding interior vinyl?

Black plastic dressing and tire dressing I get since its on the outside blowing in the wind.

But will people complain or know better if its not done?
or more so how much more noticeable with dressing???

Is it just for esthetic? Any benefits to offer this always???

I clearly never used interior dressing before. I'm just concerned it's going to cause an undesired glare to clients of that makes sense. Like sun reflection.

Also is there a scent to it??

Same principle concern applies here.

I used d120 on someone's vehicle and the smell drove them nuts... Proper dilution.

Also I read somewhere on AGO to keep the interior as simple and chemical free as possible... In my opinion excluding carpet spot cleaners or shampoo and leather conditioners..

Everything else I guess to go easy as possible.

Can I please get some thoughts?

Please and thank you!

10-27-2015, 06:20 AM
Always inform th customer before applying,I did a jag on Sunday the leather was never treated ,I had shown a demo on the seat and let her smell the product she said she was ok with the leather scent conditioner,so I went to work.

10-27-2015, 06:27 AM
I alway have in my mind that a customer more than likely will not inspect your work in front of you,but analyze it at home.

Audios S6
10-27-2015, 08:05 AM
You've got the steamer now, you should be able to do most interior bits without any chemicals. For glass, you can use the wolfstein zap cloth with distilled water and use IPA for initial cleaner of very dirty glass.

Most dedicated carpet cleaners and spotters (from carpet supply stores) are pretty tame in terms of fragrance.

If you do the carpets first (to allow them to dry more) then steam everything, you will be left with an interior that just smells fresh and clean.

Leather protectants and vinyl dressings do add complexity to the mix. Pinnacle black label leather and vinyl coating has no scent, but it's quite expensive.

10-27-2015, 08:23 AM
This is my thinking reading your posts.

Maybe you used too much D120/cleaning chemicals

I have never personally smelled D120 but I bet if you use too much of anything it can really annoy someones sense of smell.

What I do is spray a little bit (of what ever chemical) on my MF towel and if that cleans what I am trying to clean then I move on. If not I will spray directly on and let dwell. Usually when a car leaves here there is no major chemical smell even though I use 3-4 different ones to do different jobs. Chemical guys makes a scent free cleaner called Non-sense. Maybe you can try that? They also make a window cleaner that smells like Pomegranate!!!! Works great too.

10-27-2015, 08:32 AM
Not all interior dressings leave things shiny or greasy. Aerospace 303 is one that comes to mind that leaves a matte finish. When I dressed an interior with 303 I pointed it out to the customer when they came to pick up the car. They might not have even noticed it otherwise. I also pointed out that I went the extra mile using a product that protects and adds sunscreen without glare or being a dust magnet.

10-28-2015, 06:54 AM
Sonax dash cleaner