View Full Version : How to remove XMT 360 AIO?

10-26-2015, 01:33 PM
I am going to try cQuartz UK Friday on the wifes TSX wagon so i need a Completely stripped surface for a good bond. I clayed this weekend and will be washing and using XMT 360 friday before the cQuartz. I know using an AIO instead of a dedicated cleaner isnt the optimum way to do this but its very soft paint and 360 + orange pad gives me the results i want since i dont want to be removing a lot of clear coat each time i do it. Also the wifers car is a little beat up so a swirl or 2 isnt a deal killer since an auto carwash did a lot of damage (took tiny paint chunks out) before my amateur detail days.


Would an Iso wipe be good enough or should i do a concentrated wash with my Chemical Guys Mr Pink and then an iso wipe.

Yes i know the instructions also say to use eraser but if i cant find it locally I am going to have to skip it.

The concentrated Mr pink did a very good job of stripping before i did this winters process on my other car.

Any advise is appreciated.

10-26-2015, 02:26 PM
When applying a coating regardless of who's coating it is, you will need to make sure that the surface is prepped for bonding to occur.

One option will be performing a mild polishing session to remove swirls and freshen up the paint. Then you can proceed with Eraser or your IPA wipe down to prep the surface for the coating.

Another option is that if the paint is in good shape you can proceed with a coating prep polish such as the Pinnacle Black Label Surface polish. This option gives you the ability to freshen up the paint and remove anything on the surface that will interfere with the bonding of the coating.
Pinnacle Black Label Surface Cleansing Polish (http://www.autogeek.net/black-label-polish.html)

XMT 360 [WILL NOT] play a role in your coating application.

10-26-2015, 02:56 PM
When applying a coating regardless of who's coating it is, you will need to make sure that the surface is prepped for bonding to occur.

One option will be performing a mild polishing session to remove swirls and freshen up the paint. Then you can proceed with Eraser or your IPA wipe down to prep the surface for the coating.

Another option is that if the paint is in good shape you can proceed with a coating prep polish such as the Pinnacle Black Label Surface polish. This option gives you the ability to freshen up the paint and remove anything on the surface that will interfere with the bonding of the coating.
Pinnacle Black Label Surface Cleansing Polish (http://www.autogeek.net/black-label-polish.html)

XMT 360 [WILL NOT] play a role in your coating application.

I am a little confused by your response. You acknowledge my need for a properly prepped surface (in this case essential virgin) Then talk about using a different polish and stating that xmt 360 will not play a role in my application?

no matter what the product used would need to get removed for a virgin surface for the cQuartz to bond to correct?

With that in mind, my product of choice is XMT360 since ive used it and find its results adequate for my needs and I am back to asking what is the best way to fully remove it to get back to that virgin surface.

This is not meant to be defensive but i would like some more info if we are going to move off of the initial question.

10-26-2015, 03:11 PM
To answer your question, any abrasive finishing polish will remove the wax laid down by the xmt360, thus actually negating the need to use xmt360 in the first place.
Meguiar's M205, or Menzerna SF4000 are my "weapons of choice".

10-26-2015, 03:15 PM
If you like the abrasives in the xmt360, maybe look at their polishes.

XMT Ultra Fine Swirl Remover #1 by Pinnacle For your dual action or rotary polisher. (http://www.autogeek.net/xmt-ultra-fine-swirl.html)

10-26-2015, 03:17 PM
I am a little confused by your response. You acknowledge my need for a properly prepped surface (in this case essential virgin) Then talk about using a different polish and stating that xmt 360 will not play a role in my application?

Why would you use an AIO product that will leave behind a decent amount of protection on the surface when the goal is to strip the paint essentially making it squeaky clean.

You will need to incorporate either a finishing polish or a cleansing polish into your routine for the coating application.

no matter what the product used would need to get removed for a virgin surface for the cQuartz to bond to correct?


With that in mind, my product of choice is XMT360 since ive used it and find its results adequate for my needs and I am back to asking what is the best way to fully remove it to get back to that virgin surface.

Eraser, IPA, etc may not effectively remove XMT360 if you decide to use it. I would rather use a wax and grease remover such as this.
Klean Strip | Prep-AllŪ (http://www.kleanstrip.com/product/prep-all)

This was a topic brought up recently about surface prep.

10-26-2015, 03:57 PM
By applying XMT 360 you are just reapplying what you are trying to strip. Essentially wasting your time. You put a fresh sealant on your car basically with XMT360. When people say that surface HAS TO BE squeeky clean that includes any wax. When you put a AIO (XMT360) beforehand you are literally doing like the movie Groundhog Day. Even with a dedicated polish if you are applying a coating beforehand you also apply something like Pinnacle Black Label Surface Cleansing Polish or the other suggestions to remove the polish r r side from the previous step. XMT360 is unnecessary work that you might not effectively remove with a ''''Coating Prep Polish''' because you are going backwards essentially.

So you got to let XMT 360 go or don't apply coatings. Simple as that.

10-26-2015, 04:13 PM
You can get something OTC like Meguiars Ultimate polish at most auto parts stores. it's a good product and not expensive. Follow with IPA wipe and you are in business. Using XMT 360 AIO is counterproductive to your end goal.

10-27-2015, 07:58 AM
Thanks everyone for jumping in

for the record i did know from the onset it was 1 step forward 2 steps backwards but hadnt realized it was that difficult to remove XMT.

I know "good enough" is not the fight song for autogeek but i think i am just going to go ahead without any paint correction. Its the wifes car and essentially the test vehicle before i put anything on mine and considering it has a couple door dings im not going to lose sleep coating over some minor swirls.

I did a second concentrated wash with mr pink last weekend and about an hours worth of clay.

I will do another wash this week to get rid of the chemical left by the ONR clay lube as well as general pollen and dirt from 5 days of driving and then an IPA wipe before i start.

Again i know the best case scenario is iron X, a polish, eraser to remove the polish and a IPA wipe but this is that path that i am going with due to timing.

Also, if it doesnt work im ok with losing out on $40 worth of cquartz and putting on the XMT360 and Klasse Sealant i already used to winter prep my car rather then overnighting a larger dollar value of product for a one car "test"

10-27-2015, 08:19 AM
Strange posts.

10-27-2015, 11:11 AM
Just pick up a polish (megs Ultimate) and use that instead of the 360. After the polish use the ISO wipe you talked about and you're ready for coating. Not rocket science

10-27-2015, 12:02 PM
I am going to try cQuartz UK Friday on the wifes TSX wagon so i need a Completely stripped surface for a good bond. I clayed this weekend and will be washing and using XMT 360 friday before the cQuartz. I know using an AIO instead of a dedicated cleaner isnt the optimum way to do this but its very soft paint and 360 + orange pad gives me the results i want since i dont want to be removing a lot of clear coat each time i do it. Also the wifers car is a little beat up so a swirl or 2 isnt a deal killer since an auto carwash did a lot of damage (took tiny paint chunks out) before my amateur detail days.


Would an Iso wipe be good enough or should i do a concentrated wash with my Chemical Guys Mr Pink and then an iso wipe.

Yes i know the instructions also say to use eraser but if i cant find it locally I am going to have to skip it.

The concentrated Mr pink did a very good job of stripping before i did this winters process on my other car.

Any advise is appreciated.

Not sure what your looking for, you ask for advice and aren't going to follow the instructions or the advice given. Next will be a post about Cquartz failed

10-27-2015, 12:49 PM
Just pick up a polish (megs Ultimate) and use that instead of the 360. After the polish use the ISO wipe you talked about and you're ready for coating. Not rocket science

I just did during lunch when i ran out to get some distilled water for the IPA.

10-27-2015, 12:55 PM
Not sure what your looking for, you ask for advice and aren't going to follow the instructions or the advice given. Next will be a post about Cquartz failed

Im not sure that's the case.

The original question was how to remove XMT and the answer was its not that easy so either polish it off or skip it. Answers received and was going to skip it but just picked up some megs polish (also per advise)

Ive regularly acknowledged that i wasnt going to use eraser which was really the only instructions per carpro besides "properly prep" which could be argued until the end of time. Also 100s of threads regarding eraser vs IPA around the internet.

With all that considered and being an adult who can understand risk vs reward scenarios i borderline find it offensive that you would think it would degrade into a cquartz failed thread.