View Full Version : Carpet extractors

10-25-2015, 09:21 PM
I've been looking for a carpet extractor and the only ones I see worth actually buying is Durrmaid 1700 or maytee s300 spotter. What are y'all views or what another good carpet extractor that's nots so expensive

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11-01-2015, 10:17 PM
Wondering the same thing..

11-01-2015, 10:28 PM
Good unit for the $$

Mytee S-300 Tempo Carpet & Upholstery Extractor (http://www.autogeekmobile.net/mytee-s-300-tempo-carpet-extractor.html)

11-02-2015, 02:19 AM
If I ever plunk down a wad of cash for an extractor, it'll have to heat water to 210° and inject it at at least 60 PSI, and it needs to be able to suck the smile off the Mona Lisa, at least 100 inches of lift.

11-02-2015, 06:33 AM
I had the durrmaid up until this time last year when somebody decided they needed it more than I did. They broke into my trailer and took it and some other equipment.
The durrmaid was small, got hot and did a ok job. I feel like I worked harder with this machine. From cleaning carpets to cleaning the machine everything was a little harder.
I have since been using the Mytee 100 and there is a noticeable difference. I love the Mytee and if I were to downsize it would be a smaller Mytee unit.

11-02-2015, 12:36 PM
If I ever plunk down a wad of cash for an extractor, it'll have to heat water to 210° and inject it at at least 60 PSI, and it needs to be able to suck the smile off the Mona Lisa, at least 100 inches of lift.

...one of the same requirements of a girlfriend...