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10-22-2015, 02:58 PM

So..my funds are starting to get into the low 4 digits for school. I need to work but I need to decide between my hobby for money or a stable job?

I was speaking with the manager of a local gun shop who said they are hiring and I should come in and fill out an application

Or what I was getting rolling was a small wash n wax gig, but that may not be gauranteed income.

So, from those of you with life experience, which should I do?

10-22-2015, 03:24 PM
Unless money wasn't an issue go with the hobby, but otherwise go with what's guaranteed.

10-22-2015, 03:50 PM
How much are they paying each? And since money is the issue I would go for the guaranteed money.

I teach swim lessons and rack in 16/hr plus bonuses :)

10-22-2015, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the responses so far! Just to clarify, the hobby I mention is detailing.

10-22-2015, 04:08 PM
Kinda figure it out,would you work at a gun range for let's say 200 a week or have the potential to make that in 2 days.Maybe hard if you are in The north east,if it's not 8 degrees out you can make some serious cash but major hard work.Only you can make that decision seems like your stuck on your decision if u are posting. find out the gun range hours if it's 30 hrs a week maybe you should stick with that any less do the carwash gig.

10-22-2015, 04:29 PM
Why not both? hahaha

I have full time day job and work on maybe 1,2 cars a month as detailer and occasional photography work as well......i guess you could say my day job is to fund detailing and photography xD

but I think you can detail cars while working at gun smith and school.
especially since youre thinking wash and wax and not full pain correction.

10-22-2015, 05:09 PM
Yes I agree that's why I ask him how many hours at the range,he will find a way.

10-22-2015, 05:12 PM
I don't know where you're located but depending on where it is, your wash and wax gig probably won't fare too well during the winter months if it's somewhere that gets a lot of snow. A stable job will also mean less stress and strain on your body and more regular hours and constant income. I did detailing during my last year of college. I didn't need the money but it was nice to have some extra going out money. The business came in waves. I'd be super busy for a month then little to nothing for the next month and so on. So if you really need the money for expenses each month, I'd suggest going for the stable job.

10-22-2015, 05:20 PM
Thanks for the responses! I talked to a buddy of mine and he said that they like to schedule people for full days which leaves 3 days I can work.

Being in sunny Florida where winter weather is still beach weather, the time of the year isn't a very big issue.

The on-off income (no working while not on the job) would be nice with how many hours a week I also study for engineering.

Luckily, my parents are helping me out, so it is not a sink or swim situation. I have enough of a buffer that I can stand not having a whole lot of hours and still have enough to put money in my account for classes and gas. I will go ahead and put in the application and see how everything works out.

Thanks again for the responses!

10-22-2015, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the responses! I talked to a buddy of mine and he said that they like to schedule people for full days which leaves 3 days I can work.

Being in sunny Florida where winter weather is still beach weather, the time of the year isn't a very big issue.

The on-off income (no working while not on the job) would be nice with how many hours a week I also study for engineering.

Luckily, my parents are helping me out, so it is not a sink or swim situation. I have enough of a buffer that I can stand not having a whole lot of hours and still have enough to put money in my account for classes and gas. I will go ahead and put in the application and see how everything works out.

Thanks again for the responses!

I was an engineering major as well at Virginia Tech. Definitely a lot of work. If you're in FL then detailing could definitely be a side gig while working a normal job. Good luck with it all!

10-22-2015, 06:45 PM
See at the end it all works out.

10-22-2015, 07:06 PM
I was an engineering major as well at Virginia Tech. Definitely a lot of work. If you're in FL then detailing could definitely be a side gig while working a normal job. Good luck with it all!

Oh hello VT
VCU here xD

sry off topic

10-22-2015, 07:39 PM
choijw2 are you detailing fulltime with that degree good for you,and best of luck.

10-22-2015, 09:17 PM
Oh hello VT
VCU here xD

sry off topic

Nice! I just graduated in May

10-22-2015, 10:08 PM
choijw2 are you detailing fulltime with that degree good for you,and best of luck.

what degree are we talking about? I havent told you what my degree was
and I dont detail full time haha

Nice! I just graduated in May
haha congrats,
I graduated 3 years ago... getting old D:
do you know Eric Alexander or Stirling Hackney by any chance? xD