View Full Version : How well do you think Hydro2 Lite can hold up to a harsh Canadian winter?

10-21-2015, 04:00 PM
After being blown away by the application and longevity of Hydro2 Lite I am debating using it as my go to winter sealant. I am thinking I could use it at the car wash when I am doing my quick bucket wash. I understand that I will have to apply it more often than in the summer but do you think it will hold up to the abuse of a Canadian winter (salt/snow/dirt)? Any ideas how many months? Alternatively do you think I am better off just throwing on a layer of Collinite instead?

Thanks for the suggestions, the internet is pretty sparse on the subject.

10-21-2015, 04:24 PM
After being blown away by the application and longevity of Hydro2 Lite I am debating using it as my go to winter sealant. I am thinking I could use it at the car wash when I am doing my quick bucket wash. I understand that I will have to apply it more often than in the summer but do you think it will hold up to the abuse of a Canadian winter (salt/snow/dirt)? Any ideas how many months? Alternatively do you think I am better off just throwing on a layer of Collinite instead?

Thanks for the suggestions, the internet is pretty sparse on the subject.

Why not both? Use Collinite as your base and use Hydro 2 as a topper every other wash.

10-21-2015, 04:32 PM
Why not both? Use Collinite as your base and use Hydro 2 as a topper every other wash.

From what I understood, Hydro2 Lite likes to be the only thing against the paint and will strip other products when used over. I could be wrong here however.

10-21-2015, 07:12 PM
NO in my opinion it's nothing more than a sealer that high volume car washes uses as a upgrade.People swear by it ,If time is a promblem than use it better than nothing.Collinite will work make sure you wax the seam sealer and all the jambs and under the hood not the motor the sheet metal.Use it on the rims as well.Should help also it's detergent proof.

10-21-2015, 08:18 PM
HydrO2 lasts 3+ months on my wheels... I would surely trust it to perform great on paint as well if that is what you wanted to do.

I've hit my wheels with wheel cleaners, soaps, iron x, etc and HydrO2 still beads like a champ. Lite may be a little bit less powerful, but still no slouch. IMO the products can't be beat for ease of use and performance.

Unless you just enjoying waxing your car, it is kind of a thing of the past in my opinion.


10-22-2015, 09:25 AM
HydrO2 lasts 3+ months on my wheels... I would surely trust it to perform great on paint as well if that is what you wanted to do. ...

The biggest thing for me is that I don't know if I trust Collinite to last ALL winter and there is NO chance of me renting out a shop to reapply. I can reapply Hydro2 Lite easily during one or two of my maintenance washes this winter. The same cannot be said for Collinite.

10-22-2015, 09:34 AM
Then I think you answered your own question. Lol. I'd try it, then report back. Tons of people don't take care of their vehicles as it is, and they pretty much end up fine. Sometimes we have to be the test rats lol.

10-22-2015, 09:57 AM
Then I think you answered your own question. Lol. I'd try it, then report back. Tons of people don't take care of their vehicles as it is, and they pretty much end up fine. Sometimes we have to be the test rats lol.

Isn't that true. I will probably give it a try and see how it works. If anything I will have to reapply every month and just cost myself a bit.

2-3 applications a bottle at $35 a bottle CAD. At worst I am looking at $70 for this winter. At best $35 (I need a new bottle anyways). For the ease of application I can live with that. Now let's hope that it can stand up to the road salt!

10-22-2015, 10:51 AM
Yes sir. Make sure to report back here and there... For the next guy, ya know?

Audios S6
10-22-2015, 10:58 AM
I've hit my wheels with wheel cleaners, soaps, iron x, etc and HydrO2 still beads like a champ. Lite may be a little bit less powerful, but still no slouch. IMO the products can't be beat for ease of use and performance.


Along with recently testing hydrofoam against HF wheel acid and potassium hydroxide APC, I've done the same with hydro2 and hydro2 lite, both held up to several applications and remaind beading like champs.

10-22-2015, 11:20 AM
Isn't that true. I will probably give it a try and see how it works. If anything I will have to reapply every month and just cost myself a bit.

2-3 applications a bottle at $35 a bottle CAD. At worst I am looking at $70 for this winter. At best $35 (I need a new bottle anyways). For the ease of application I can live with that. Now let's hope that it can stand up to the road salt!

For that price, why don't you spend a few more bucks and buy a coating?

10-22-2015, 11:38 AM
For that price, why don't you spend a few more bucks and buy a coating?

I think I have ran out of time frankly. I only have access to an unheated garage and weather is sitting at 10°C (50 °F) and I don't know how comfortable I feel applying my first coating in that temperature. Along with that I would have to work fast and without doing a compound or polish as it's just getting too chilly out here. To paraphrase? I am a bit fat chicken haha.