View Full Version : CQuartz UK on 2015 Honda Accord Hybrid (black)

10-06-2015, 09:08 PM
I bought this car new in August, but have not washed it yet due to fears of marring black paint. So far, it seems that my technique did not do any damage, and the paint reflects great. Unfortunately the day I did it, and the days after, it was really cloudy, so getting daytime reflection shots was tough. So I was able to get some at night with artificial light.

The car new:


So my prep process was to use Dawn to strip anything on there (questionable as to if it is needed, and it does leave a bit of residue, but I used it successfully before, so I did it again). Then while still wet after the rinse, I applied iron-x and agitated, then did a good deluge to rinse. Blow and blot dry after that.

Once dry, I use Optimum Hyper Polish on a Lake County CCS green pad to minimize the cut sine the car is brand new and the paint is very clean. After polishing, I wipe down with CarPro Eraser to remove any oils.

After that, apply the CQuartz UK finish. I usually apply a small section, wiping with the suede towel after each small area, and then wiping with a microfiber once I finish the whole panel. Its a little bit slow, but it works well.

The results look good to me:





A day or two later, I did see some odd spots come out when it was just about at the point when water condenses on the car...



But the car beads and sheds water like crazy.



Pretty happy with this stuff!!