View Full Version : Interior and exterior steps?

09-16-2015, 09:35 PM
Hi guys,

I work in a high volume detail shop and do dealer work. Well there is only two main guys in the shop and a couple people that are just there when needed. But we are at around 4 cars a day and these are full details. There were a few days when we were up to 8. Well my question is what is the quickest and efficient way to wash a car, my current steps for the wash is to first clean the engine then do the wheels then spray the doorjambs and then debug and de-grease and wash the car. What steps do you all take when washing a car? Next is the interior and I start off by blowing out dirt and garbage from in between the seats and then vacuum the whole car. After that I start on the drivers side and clean the door and then move on to the center counsel, then dash and steering wheel. I would then do the seats and then carpet. I would repeat these steps to the rest of the car.After that I do interior windows. For exterior I really want to find a true one step that can cut and polish for the most part. Putting wax on a car I can do separate because it is quick. But I would clay the entire vehicle. I usually use m101 because of the easy wipe off and the smoothness it provides. But I sometimes find my self leaving trails of the compound maybe I am putting on too much pressure. I would do about two car panels at a time before wiping the compound off. I usually just make 3 heavy pressure passes with a light cutting pad. Then I would throw wax on really fast and do windows. Are there any tools or techniques to speed up an interior and exterior detail as well as the wash. The wash takes me about 30 minutes to one hour. Interior any where from 1 hr to 4 hrs depending on condition. Exterior somewhere between 30 minutes for easy clay and wax to 3.5 hrs for trashed black suvs. Thank you so much. I really need to learn how to increase productivity.

Audios S6
09-16-2015, 10:50 PM
Most of the methods below do not necessarily fall in line with typical AGO practices, but with the disclaimer out of the way, here are some tips.


Check out Mikes post on quick engine detailing. Basically spray foaming degreaser, allow to dwell and rinse off. Dress with meguiars hyper dressing which does not require a wipe down. Also consider a Tornador gun, I can do an engine bay in 10-15 minutes including dressing.

Apply degreaser or tar remover and allow to dwell while you do the wheels and tires.

For wheels and tires, apply acid based wheel cleaner and allow to dwell the recommended time. Spray off. Then clean tires with alkaline APC, when spraying the tires, spray the wheels too so the acid is neutralized. Use a white or aqua cyclo brush to agitate the tires. Or find a cheap circular brush in the cleaning aisle of target or walmart and fit a shank to it so it can be used on a drill for the same purpose.

For wash. Foam the whole car with a foam cannon and mix of strong car soap and APC. Then clean the car with a wash mitt or a CLEAN boars hair brush.

Clay the car with a nanoskin autoscrub pad on a DA

Utilize HD speed as an AIO cleaner, polish and sealant. Vary the pad type based on paint hardness and desired finish

dress exterior trims


Detrash, dry brush (white or aqua cyclo brush on a DA), compressed air purge, vacuum

Spot treat stains, steamer with triangle brush covered with microfiber or terry towel for all carpet and upholstery

tornador gun for all hard surfaces

gray cyclo brush on a DA with APC or leather cleaner on all leather

Dress all interior trims

Clean windows inside and out

09-17-2015, 12:15 AM
I think the problem you are having finding an AIO is that you are using a compound and not an AIO.

XMT360, Meguiar's M66, Meguiar's D151, Speed, Menz 3 in 1

You will find that XMT and D151 are a work till gone product (usually 3-4 passes) and there is very little to wipe off.