View Full Version : Really Garry Dean????

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09-13-2015, 10:04 PM
I was watching Garry Dean's video on the 2015 update of his version of the wash. Not really paying that much attention until he says,

"Now you could be more careful than I am; I really don't mind swirls. I'm not a really big cry baby about swirls because - first of all - swirls are easy to remove."

This is around the 13:30 mark....

I hope his customers don't mind swirls either...

09-13-2015, 10:11 PM
Maybe he meant on his own vehicle. This is the second post I've read from you about other detailers and how you dislike what they say or post - perhaps it's time to create your own YouTube channel to show everyone how it's done!


09-13-2015, 10:37 PM
He has a pretty high opinion of himself. He talks about his "innovation" like he's Steve Jobs.

09-13-2015, 10:39 PM
Yea, he can be a bit cheesy sometimes, but overall he is absolute awesome guy

09-13-2015, 10:54 PM
Yea, he can be a bit cheesy sometimes, but overall he is absolute awesome guy

I love that guy! He remindes me of some of my friends...

09-13-2015, 11:23 PM
Maybe he meant on his own vehicle. This is the second post I've read from you about other detailers and how you dislike what they say or post - perhaps it's time to create your own YouTube channel to show everyone how it's done!

Only three people I ever complain about: Garry Dean, Junkman, and Larry Kosilla

I'd love to create a series of videos, unfortunately I don't have time now that I'm back in school. I've wanted to for a while.

Regarding the thread though, would you honestly be happy paying someone to wash your car who doesn't mind marring the paint?

09-13-2015, 11:24 PM
He has a pretty high opinion of himself. He talks about his "innovation" like he's Steve Jobs.
Just watch his video of his "One and Only GD Method Video".

I'm sure he's disabled comments on his videos because people probably flamed the videos like crazy.

09-13-2015, 11:36 PM
Just watch his video of his "One and Only GD Method Video".

I'm sure he's disabled comments on his videos because people probably flamed the videos like crazy.

Maybe rather than getting on the forums to discuss how you dislike what he says, you should contact him personally. He does give his personal contact number in most videos.

Top Tip: If you dislike someone or what they say, maybe you shouldn't watch their videos!

09-13-2015, 11:52 PM
Maybe rather than getting on the forums to discuss how you dislike what he says, you should contact him personally. He does give his personal contact number in most videos.

Top Tip: If you dislike someone or what they say, maybe you shouldn't watch their videos!

i agree. though sometimes in a discussion forum, it's hard to overlook how (at times) people with a "stage" (like youtube) pontificate, and then forum members follow, and sometimes you know it's not the best way and want to share your views. in the process you may end up resenting the person who started the whole thing on youtube!

though i keep to myself with a lot of this stuff unless people are in danger of getting truly ripped off, hurt or something like that. that's why i made a big stink about Oakes Detail, because he was grossly negligent and dishonest with my stuff and i didn't want anyone else to face those issues.

09-14-2015, 05:22 AM
He has a pretty high opinion of himself. He talks about his "innovation" like he's Steve Jobs.
Could not of said it better myself........

Setec Astronomy
09-14-2015, 06:08 AM
Holy crow, I haven't looked at his website for a while, he now has a line of polishes that go for $60 for 16oz?

09-14-2015, 07:14 AM
Only three people I ever complain about: Garry Dean, Junkman, and Larry Kosilla

I'd love to create a series of videos, unfortunately I don't have time now that I'm back in school. I've wanted to for a while.

Regarding the thread though, would you honestly be happy paying someone to wash your car who doesn't mind marring the paint?

Well you know, you're cherry picking a sentence he said in one of his many videos. Why don't you get into contact with some of his customers and see if he marred their cars? Does he say this often?

Why don't you contact him directly and let him know as a professional courtesy that it sounds bad or negligent to say that in a video instead of posting about the guy on a forum? What is the purpose of doing that? I doubt many users here were going to get their car washed by Garry Dean so you weren't really warning us of anything. I don't ever watch the guy's videos and I have no opinion on him one way or another, but come on.

It's a shame you only have time to criticize others and not make your own videos.

09-14-2015, 07:31 AM
I [emoji813]️GD

09-14-2015, 09:26 AM
•Of course...
-Making a video can be a one person production.
-But, when circumstances allows: it would seem
to me that by having a "crew" to assist in the video
making process would almost be considered a god-send.

•And since, technically speaking: a "film crew" can
consist of just two members (or upwards of many hundreds)...

-Perhaps, then, (instead of making scurrilous
comments on a detailing forum), you could be
of more assistance by being the Script Supervisor...
gratis, of course...for future video projects of
Gary Dean, or any other of the adventurous,
and venture-ing YouTubing-Detailers?

•TIA for your consideration.


09-14-2015, 09:56 AM
Only three people I ever complain about: Garry Dean, Junkman, and Larry Kosilla

I've spoke with Garry Dean and Junkman. They are very personable and informative (Junkman is a very, very funny guy, great sense of humor). I never spoken with Larry but it seems that everyone in the industry has nothing but nice things to say about him. Just curious what are you're complaints about them?