View Full Version : CQuartz UK advice needed

09-08-2015, 01:23 PM
Hello all,

Just used Cquartz UK for the first time and would like your opinions/advice.

This is my own truck, and detailing my cars (still new at it) is just a way for me to release my OCD

Brand new 2015 Ram 1500
Tuff shine on the tires and plasti dipped the rims.
Iron X, then rubbed in and let set for 5 min
Polished with PC DA Menzerna 2500 with orange LC 5in pads (in needed spots)
Polished with PC DA Menzerna 4000 with green LC 5in pads (whole truck)
IPA wipe down x2
Applied Cquarts UK with provided applicator and cloth
Wiped on a small area at a time
Wiped over the area multiple times until smooth and product almost disappeared
Waited a min or two (was around 75 deg inside garage) and wiped off /buffed product off with CarPro Suede Microfiber Cloths. (http://www.autogeek.net/suede-microfiber-cloths.html)
Looked for any high spots and wiped again.
Did the whole truck and I still have 1/2 of the bottle left.

So the truck look good and shinny as it should. Im looking forward to the dust, water repelling property, and easy maintenance of the coating.

My question / advice Im looking for is in the 3rd pic. You can see there is not a perfect reflection.

I can only assume that
1. I didnt wipe off/buff off completely.

2. The cloth i was using to wipe off had product on it and I didn't fold to a new side enough ( I did change sides after each panel)

3. I didn't let the product sit on the paint long enough before wiping (applied product for 30 sec to 1 min as I spread it out, smoothed it and rubbed it in. let set for around a min then wiped off)

So my options are to leave it as is and apply reload every 3-6 months and be happy with it for the next 2yrs. Its my DD so that might be the best route.

Or polish the whole truck again to remove the coating and start again.

Or is there another option that im not thinking of that could fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to read and share your advice.

09-08-2015, 02:12 PM
You should be able to polish this area, and re-do the coating.

One thing I see from your post though is the excessive amount of application so called work in.

You really only need to apply the product in a criss-cross pattern, or even a light circular pattern for coverage and then wipe off once it flashes, and since it is warm in most of the country, this could be a wipe on wipe off with UK.

I see you are in TN, so I assume you deal with high humidity and temps still.