View Full Version : How about this process...?

09-18-2007, 02:31 PM
I've just placed an order for Collonite 476s paste and would like to apply before the weather gets too bad to work outside.

The process I'm thinking about using involves:

1) NXT wash and Dry
2) Megs clay
3) polish/clean
4) NXT sealant
5) Collonite 476s

maintain with OCW.

The paint in question is for a black clear-coat. All will be applied and removed by hand.

First, I'm not sure if I should try a AIO instead of steps #3 and #4 and if so what I should use. It would be nice to use something that could help with minor swirls and webbing by hand if possible.

Second, am I just giving myself extra useless work by applying the OCW over the collonite?

Finally, How long should it take to do the steps mentioned above?

Thanks in advance,

09-18-2007, 04:30 PM
Ever though of upgrading from Meguiar's??? Their NXT soap is harsh (it does cleans well, but strips wax off), NXT wax isn't durable at all...
A coat of 476S will last you at least twice, if not trice longer then a coat of NXT...Carnauba waxes are more resistant then sealants (with exception of Klasse SG, and Duragloss #105) to bird poop, where I can NXT offers no protection from bird poop at all...

09-18-2007, 09:03 PM
Actually I have been thinking of upgrading however whatever I use must be applicable by hand. I've been looking at different lines such as Optimum, Four Star, Poorboys, P21s and possibly Zymol. All look very good as far as marketing goes however I need to do more research into each line or get more information from you guys on the products and what they can do with swirled black clearcoat. :-)

I am very tempted by the P21s Car Care kit or Four Star Bundle. However, I've read somewhere that 90% of the detail is process and I know my technique/application could use a lot of work.

Actually maybe I should just order the P21 auto spa? What do you all think about that wash product?