View Full Version : First time with Cquartz UK

08-30-2015, 02:17 PM
I have a done a ton of reading and I think I have the process down but was hoping for any tips/tricks.

The vehicle will be under going a complete wash, then iron-x, then clay bar.

Vehicle will then be polished using a DA.

I will then use CarPro Eraser.

Apply first coat of UK, wait a hour apply second coat. I plan on using a cross hatch pattern.

Wait another hour and apply CarPro Reload.

Then the vehicle will be garaged for over 48 hours.

Anything I'm missing?

Can the Cquartz UK be applied to rims/trim as well?

08-30-2015, 02:43 PM
Sounds like the right plan. It is pretty critical with CQ that you use the larger Carpro suede microfibres to buff off the product. Standard MF cloths don't really cut it.
If I remember correctly you only get one in the pack? It might be advisable to get a few more if you don't have them already. In my experience you need at a minimum 2 full towels (if you use them properly folded into eighths and use every segment fully).

For rims, I prefer Carpro DLux.

Good luck.

08-30-2015, 02:46 PM
Might also be worth saying, CQ UK was formulated for the UK market - i.e. cold and damp.

If you are somewhere that is hot / humid, CQ UK will flash pretty quickly, so make sure you work on a small area at a time.

08-30-2015, 02:48 PM
Final tip! If you have dark paint, consider diluting the reload 1:1 with distilled / de-ionised water, which is recommended by Carpro for application on dark coloured part.

08-30-2015, 07:32 PM
I just used CQ UK for the first time about a month ago in Virginia with 90°F heat. I had somebody buff it off behind me after applying and that seemed to be perfect. Don't let it sit if your in a hot climate. A tip is to flip and replace the mf suede applicator often as for it with solidify. I also put it on everything but the windows and chrome wheels look great. Good luck.

08-30-2015, 11:14 PM
Thanks guys! I'm in a cooler climate that can get pretty harsh winters so the UK was recommended.

I'll look into the carpro suede MF's!

08-30-2015, 11:41 PM
CQUK was intended for APPLYING at cooler temps, it doesn't matter if you live in an area that's gets real cold once it's cured. Since this is your first time using and the car won't be exposed to rain I'd suggest not using the ReLoad, this way if you have high spots you'll know it's from the UK. If Reload is used improperly it can also leave stains or high spots, then you will not know how the high spots got there. After application ReLoad is meant to protect the UK from rain as its curing.
Tip, when you load up the UK start in the middle of the panel and work out,sometimes if you start in a corner it's harder to spread evenly. Pay special attention to corners, at door handles and around turns as these are areas that tend to get high spots. Also don't be stingy on removal towels as they can get overloaded and will smear instead of remove, I too recommend the bigger suede removal towels. Good luck, I love CQUK

09-16-2015, 10:51 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know I did the full job on Saturday.

Worked out great. There were a few spots that were a bit tricky getting rid of some of the high spots (vehicle is pretty curvy around the rear qrtr windows).

Glad that I have some experience with DIY detailing, I don't think I would recommend this process for anyone who is just stepping into it.