View Full Version : Funny but scary story

08-25-2015, 08:49 AM
My father-in-law is now 88. He is starting to slip a little with his memory, etc. He just recently moved into a retirement community.
Anyway, he was expected over last night for a brief visit and to pick up a few things we were storing for him.
I was determined to wash my car (it was filthy from road grime for the past several days and I couldn't take it anymore).

The way our driveway is, there is a privacy wall at the top of it. So when I'm cleaning the vehicles you can't see me behind it from the road OR most of the way up the driveway.

I decide to use some road cones I have and I put them out at the end of the wall so you can clearing see them coming up the driveway and know something is there... bare minimum you know the cones are there.

My husband laughs at this but says whatever.
Well as I'm vacuuming the car I catch my father in law coming up and around the cones slowly. I think Great! They worked!

He pulls over VERY far to the one side of the driveway. He is actually off the driveway and partly on the walkway to the backyard. Not sure why he pulled over that far, but no biggie I think.

He gets out, I say hello, and my husband comes out to greet him, etc.

I start cleaning up my cleaning equipment. I go to grab my wash buckets... um, where are they????
Why, they are jammed under his father's front bumper..... ARGH!!!!!!!! They were off the driveway and on the walkway!!!!!! :doh:

All I could think was thank goodness I put up the cones!!!!!!! It could have been a lot worse.

08-25-2015, 09:04 AM
I will take 88 years old and starting to slip a little for my dad and for my self. Oldest on both sides of my family were grandma that made 84 and great grandpa that made 82. most of the rest only made late 60's.

08-25-2015, 09:09 AM
I will take 88 years old and starting to slip a little for my dad and for my self. Oldest on both sides of my family were grandma that made 84 and great grandpa that made 82. most of the rest only made late 60's.

My dad and his parents didn't make it to 60.

My grandfather on my mother's side lived to 98.

08-25-2015, 12:19 PM
Ha Ha. That's great. Life is precious and the longer we can have our loved ones to share a laugh with, the better.

08-25-2015, 12:30 PM
Fortunately the buckets weren't children.

08-25-2015, 01:42 PM
Can't fault family. Kudos to your cones saving something to get possibly worse.

I tip my hat for your safety and smarts.

08-25-2015, 01:59 PM
Driveways are always a nightmare it seems.

But since I just had the car in the bodyshop I figured I'd try my best to keep it out :laughing: