View Full Version : wheelwax

08-22-2015, 11:07 PM
I searched the forums a bit and could not find the answer to this, so I felt it appropriate to ask here.

I have a tin of wheelwax, the wax in the black tin. Years ago when I bought it, it was a solid wax. Now, 8 years later, when I opened it, it is a liquid.

I put it in the fridge to see if it would solidify, but it merely turned into a cold liquid. I put it in the freezer to see if it would solidify, but it merely turned into a frozen liquid.

My wife saw what I was doing and hid the immersion blender.

Does this product actually "break" if it gets too hot or sits too long? (I use the term break as a cook would use it, like, when making a mayo or Hollandaise sauce that can break). If it does break, how can I get it to go back to a thick, paste wax?

You get no bonus points for helping me find the immersion blender.


08-23-2015, 12:34 AM
Oh...I threw NXT paste on the rims to see how it works. If you guys are interested, I will let you know what happens as for as protection. Rims look REALLY nice right now.

Mike Honcho
08-23-2015, 03:11 AM
I'm no scientist but I play one here on AG. It looks like the chemicals separated. Also, putting it in the freezer to solidify prolly put the final nail in the coffin, (or tin in this case). Hey, but look on the bright side, you get to open up a new tin of wax!

08-23-2015, 09:53 AM
Based upon the age of product and your outcome, I too suggest its time to replace. Luckily we have learned that waxes only last a very short period of time on wheels (because of the extreme heat) and so you might want to stick with a sealant or coating in the future.