View Full Version : Can I, should I put a coat of p21 over liquid glass?

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06-19-2006, 10:01 PM
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/dinky1963dow/2006M35X025.jpghttp://http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/dinky1963dow/2006M35X025.jpgI have a one year old car, I just purchased a month ago. It is dark red. I have just finished putting 5 coats of Liquid Glass on. It shines great. Since I finished I have noticed a lot of small scratches. I am not sure if they were there before and the shine brought them out or if I put them in during my waxing. If your out in the sun you can't see them, it is under the florescent lighting in my garage or if there are no lights on whats so ever and with a little light coming through the window. I am not sure if I should put a coat of ps21, the carnauba wax, over the liquid glass or what I should do. One other choice is do nothing because it shines real good. Last year I put 5 coats of liquid glass on my 01 Subaru and it still looks good. I would appreciate your input! Thank You! If any of you are into photography, could you tell me how to eliminate the shadow, when I am taking a picture like the one above. Thank You!!

06-19-2006, 10:49 PM
Well, a wax isn't going to make the scratches go away. Your best bet (also most expensive) is to attack those scratches (I am guessing they are swirls) with a Porter Cable and some polishes. I reccommend http://www.autogeek.net/popoprkit.html. Great products, but it does get a little pricey if this is just a weekend hobby, and you aren't obssessed like many of us. If you want to find a quick fix, you could use a glaze with some fillers, that could hide the swirls a little more. Two glazes that do a great job are http://www.autogeek.net/clredmomagl.html and http://www.autogeek.net/meg7showcarg.html. Put those on before waxing, and it should hide the swirls to some degree. These glazes have no protective qualities, so topping with a wax will be necessary. Also, to get rid of those shadows, best way is just have the sun behind you or a little above you. If you have a flash attachment on your camera, use it and it will help immensly. If it is just a compact camera, the sun is basically your only option. Taking pictures of a car in bright sunlight doesn't flatter your car as much as you would think. Consider taking pictures on an overcast day (if you can) and the results should come out better. Good luck and hope you figure out the swirl problem.

EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the forums. Also, is that the m35 or m45? Those are very good looking cars. And your second pic is not working.

06-20-2006, 06:52 AM

Consider taking pictures on an overcast day (if you can) and the results should come out better. Good luck and hope you figure out the swirl problem.

GOOD idea.......If you do take pic's on a sunny day, or overcast day, make sure you have plenty of white clouds appearing to show definition.......especially on the hood, roof, trunk.....

06-20-2006, 07:29 AM
Little tip, when taking pics in the sun, shoot with the sun at your back.

06-20-2006, 10:38 AM
Sorry no hijack intended. Instead of a new thread I thought I might get my answer here.:)

I use all Zaino products on my 06 ZO6..:righton: and autogeek product for everything else..:awesome: ...

I have been getting alot of people recommending me apply the P21 over the Zaino..
Question: What will this do..? It shines like a dickins now..but I am always up for more. I am a bit of an addict. I wash and Z-6 after every drive..:eek:
So my other question: can you still Z-6 (detail spray) over the P21..?
And is it easy to apply or do I need a orbital.?:)
Here are some pics from Saturday after probably my 5th coat of Zaino..
(I am a addicit):awesome:




Thank you in advance...:applause:

06-20-2006, 10:44 AM
This is taken from another forum. Hope it is OK Killr.

Q: Do I need to add a carnuba wax on top of my Zaino layers?
A: No. Carnuba should only be used if you want to alter the look of your Zaino. I personally would advise against topping your Zaino with carnuba. Doing this will negate three of Zaino's four biggest benefits. Those being the slickness, shine, and layerability, with the fourth being durability. Zaino is a product that looks great on its own. I love the look of Z5 on my car.

If you are happy with the way it looks, I say leave it. BTW, are you making any cross country trips to San Diego anytime soon. Love that z06!!!!

06-20-2006, 10:46 AM
Sorry no hijack intended. Instead of a new thread I thought I might get my answer here.:)

I use all Zaino products on my 06 ZO6..:righton: and autogeek product for everything else..:awesome: ...

I have been getting alot of people recommending me apply the P21 over the Zaino..
Question: What will this do..? It shines like a dickins now..but I am always up for more. I am a bit of an addict. I wash and Z-6 after every drive..:eek:
So my other question: can you still Z-6 (detail spray) over the P21..?
And is it easy to apply or do I need a orbital.?:)
Here are some pics from Saturday after probably my 5th coat of Zaino..
(I am a addicit):awesome:




Thank you in advance...:applause:

I Feel the P21S will give the finish a more buttery softer glow look

I'd do it by hand...........

But remember! once you top it with wax, theres no going back, unless you stripe it and start over, not a good idea as you may already know not to top wax with a sealer.......

06-20-2006, 10:46 AM
If either of you decide to try it though.. use s100. Same stuff, different price.


06-20-2006, 11:01 AM
This is taken from another forum. Hope it is OK Killr.

Q: Do I need to add a carnuba wax on top of my Zaino layers?
A: No. Carnuba should only be used if you want to alter the look of your Zaino. I personally would advise against topping your Zaino with carnuba. Doing this will negate three of Zaino's four biggest benefits. Those being the slickness, shine, and layerability, with the fourth being durability. Zaino is a product that looks great on its own. I love the look of Z5 on my car.

If you are happy with the way it looks, I say leave it. BTW, are you making any cross country trips to San Diego anytime soon. Love that z06!!!!

I think I will take your advice and leave well enough alone..:D
It looks great with the Zaino plus as ANAL as I am and like to apply layers it will be best to just use Zaino..

As for cross country trips..:eek: :eek: :eek: You mean interstate driving..:eek: :eek: :eek: ...

I would actually love to drive this thing across country but I could never let myself put the miles on it plus interstate rock chips..:mad: w/out a clear bra is a killeri on the paint..

If you're ever in GA hit me up and I will glad take you for a spin...
:righton: :righton: .. It is ******AWESOME...:righton: :righton:

Thanks again for the advice..:cheers:

06-20-2006, 11:05 AM
One question:......... You never if you can help it ,DRIVE IN THE RAIN:cheers:

06-20-2006, 11:49 AM
One question:......... You never if you can help it ,DRIVE IN THE RAIN:cheers:



06-20-2006, 12:11 PM
Crazy man, what is your other car? (rain car) I always wanted a rain car. I'm liking audi's quattro, but it hardly rains in San Diego, so it is worthless.

06-20-2006, 01:38 PM
Being in the UK and up in the hills Quattro comes in very handy even with the low profile tyres:)

06-20-2006, 02:11 PM
Crazy man, what is your other car? (rain car) I always wanted a rain car. I'm liking audi's quattro, but it hardly rains in San Diego, so it is worthless.

I have a 06 Toyota Tundra limited 4dr... Thats my rain vehicle.. Or daily driver as some will call it..:awesome: Thing is a really nice driver.. Its white and Zaino'ed as well...:Picture:
Smooth and runs really good.. Of course I did put exhuast and a cold air intake to pep it up some..:)

Rain and my Z make me feel sick to think about..:D
I am just to damn anal..:righton:

06-20-2006, 03:08 PM
LOL, pretty nice cars. You must be well off. Good for you! (not sarcastic) I've heard people that won't change their zaino routine for anything, so if it works for you, I would stick with it.