View Full Version : DP Wheel Glaze or Wheel Wax

06-19-2006, 09:54 PM
Just wanted to see what you guys and gals think of these two product. I have used wheel glaze by DP and like it but have heard really great things about wheel wax and its durability. :o

06-19-2006, 10:42 PM
I haven't used either, but based on what I have heard, I would stick with the DP. You already have it right? Well for those who don't, it is on sale right now for only 9.99. Pretty good price for those who want to protect their wheels from brake dust and crap like that.


06-19-2006, 11:46 PM
FWIW, I haven't been too impressed with wheel wax. It didn't seem to last more than a week or two with me, and the product "decomposed" irretrievably after two years. I store all my chemicals in a cabinet in the garage, where the temperature never goes below 40 degrees or so, and never above 90 degrees or so (the joys of living in the Pacific NW!). I've never had any other products go bad on me -- even some that are much older -- but the wheel wax "separated" in the plastic tin, even though it was tightly screwed on. I tried mixing it back together, but it wouldn't "take".

I've had much better results with just simply applying Klasse SG to the wheels . . . .

06-20-2006, 01:14 AM
Klasse Sealant Glaze on the wheels works well.

06-20-2006, 02:49 AM
I used both wheel glaze by DP, and Wheel Wax...I would stick with DP - it will last longer...pretty good sealant if you are driving a German vehicle, which all dust like crazy.

06-20-2006, 06:38 AM
I used both wheel glaze by DP, and Wheel Wax...I would stick with DP - it will last longer...pretty good sealant if you are driving a German vehicle, which all dust like crazy.

06-20-2006, 08:08 AM
Other thing you may want to try is Klasse AIO if you have any. I use it on my chrome wheels and it works great, water beads right off and dust and crap just washes right off. Good durability as well. Gonna try a coat of EX-P over the AIO since I saw others do so with even better longevity results.

06-20-2006, 01:42 PM
I use AIO topped with a coat of Poorboys Wheel Sealant works well for long durability:awesome:

06-20-2006, 06:01 PM
I have used all three products (actually 4) with nice results, well I did NOT like the Wheel Wax particularly. I love Klasse AIO on wheels. DP and Poorboys Wheel Glazes are easy to use and very durable to the heat wheels offer. I would stick with them as possible.

06-21-2006, 04:15 PM
I have to say the DP wheel glaze has been nothing but a bleasing to my front wheels on my F150. I would wash and detail my truck and everything would look good until the first time I applied the brakes and then it would be brake dust out the you know what. I was just looking to see if there might be something out there that was even better but I guess I bought one of the best. Now my wheels are looking clean for up to two weeks so I guess I can't ask for much more.

06-22-2006, 12:12 PM
I got the Poorboys Wheel Sealant and have to say it works great! Smells like melon, very easy to use(like creamy wax), puts a nice gloss on the wheels. Haven't seen the durability yet, but seems good so far. I'll post durability and whether or not it kept the wheels clean later. That is, if I let the wheels get dirty:p