View Full Version : 303 fabric guard on Alcantara?

08-03-2015, 10:19 AM
Anybody treated Alcantara with 303 FG?

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea, would like some input from anyone who might have done it.


08-03-2015, 11:21 AM
Anybody treated Alcantara with 303 FG?

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea, would like some input from anyone who might have done it.

I have never done it.
(So my below input may not
be deemed as being useful.)

I only use products specifically designed for: Alcantara;
Nubuck; Ultra-suede; Ecsaine; Micro-suede; etc.


08-03-2015, 11:38 AM
Thanks, Bob!

I'll look into some other options as well. When cleaning my interior this morning, I was watching the sweat from my brow soak right into the seats and noted it probably needs some protection before my 2 year old daughter starts sitting in it. I have some 303 FG on hand and was wondering if it would work. Perhaps some others would have more info to add to get a feel for its safety in this application.

Nick McKees37
08-03-2015, 12:17 PM
Anybody treated Alcantara with 303 FG?

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea, would like some input from anyone who might have done it.


303 Fabric Guard is often used to protect Alcantara. I would say go for it! :dblthumb2:

08-03-2015, 12:19 PM

When in doubt, read the label. LOL.

WARNING: do not use on vinyl, plastics, rubber, fiberglass, or imitation suede. Damage will result from use. Protect these and other surfaces from overspray, wipe up overspray immediately.

-1 for reading comprehension on my part.

08-03-2015, 12:23 PM
Nick, just saw your post. Now I'm conflicted again, LOL.

might try the inconspicuous area test.

Nick McKees37
08-03-2015, 12:57 PM
might try the inconspicuous area test.

Good thinking. :dblthumb2:

08-04-2015, 12:59 PM
Well, initial results are very good!

Put a small amount of 303 Fabric Guard on the under lip of the seat last night. No change in the material, feel, color fastness, etc.

Put another coat on everything this morning. Will update this thread if anything odd happens.

Very pleased so far. 303 Fabric Guard seems to work quite well for Alcantara. Will do a small water test tomorrow after a full cure has occurred.

Nick McKees37
08-04-2015, 01:04 PM
Well, initial results are very good!

Put a small amount of 303 Fabric Guard on the under lip of the seat last night. No change in the material, feel, color fastness, etc.

Put another coat on everything this morning. Will update this thread if anything odd happens.

Very pleased so far. 303 Fabric Guard seems to work quite well for Alcantara. Will do a small water test tomorrow after a full cure has occurred.

Thanks for the update! Im the MAN

08-04-2015, 01:25 PM
No problem.

The Alcantara itself is a fascinating material. I'm a nerd about keeping the interior clean and vacuum weekly or more if needed. I thought the Black Alcantara was very clean, as it just looked a bit gray and was a bit matted down in spots. Taking a soft brush to it released a ton of dust fluffies, like dryer lint. I had to vacuum again.

I then took a damp white towel to the seats and the filth that came out was fairly disgusting. The look after that cleaning was much improved. The slightly dull gray color was replaced with a rich, deep black.

Oh and Nick, I found a great new use for the DP turbo car dryer. I used it to blow the dust out of the interior, LOL. It got EVERYTHING out of every impossible to reach nook and cranny! Air vents, gauge cluster, between and under seats, you name it. It also worked very well at drying the interior, something I'd never try with my gas leaf blower.

08-04-2015, 01:45 PM
Well, initial results are very good!

Thanks for the update.

Very pleased so far.
And that's what it's all about! :dblthumb2:


08-05-2015, 10:00 AM
Sorry I won't be able to update on the water repellency today.

As I was traveling to the gas station yesterday afternoon to get fuel for my lawn mower, the charging system MIL illuminated and my alternator is shot. I picked up a new alternator last night, but after struggling with a single bolt for an hour, I patched it back together and had to take it to the shop.

Hopefully I'll have an update for everyone soon.

08-06-2015, 05:39 PM
Well, initial results are very good!

Put a small amount of 303 Fabric Guard on the under lip of the seat last night. No change in the material, feel, color fastness, etc.

Put another coat on everything this morning. Will update this thread if anything odd happens.

Very pleased so far. 303 Fabric Guard seems to work quite well for Alcantara. Will do a small water test tomorrow after a full cure has occurred.

Glad to hear it worked out. What kind of car is it? I look forward to seeing the pics.