View Full Version : VW Paint Help

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07-24-2015, 04:47 PM
Hello Folks,

I need some help here, the frustration is just getting to me so bad. Over the years I have owned numerous cars by various brands, mainly Asian cars and while some had great paint, others did not. So I moved away from Asian Cars and purchased a 2013 Shadow Blue VW GTI (rare color for a 13, the color was actually discontinued in late 2012) and the car is pictured below.

http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd502/jeffs2006evoix/GTI-1_zps3b5edabb.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/jeffs2006evoix/media/GTI-1_zps3b5edabb.jpg.html)

Here is the problem, since new, I have done what the average amateur/hobbyist does: Clay Bar, 2 bucket Method Washing, Paint Sealants used: Collinite 845, Duragloss 105, CG JetSeal, I maintain with Smartwax liquid wax just because I love the stuff so easy to use has UV block and looks fabulous, I use DG Detailer weekly after a wash, I mean the basics are here.

In the almost 3 yrs I have owned this fun car I have more sealant on this car than I care to admit, I do the best that I can with it, but Something about this paint, I am not sure if it is the particular color, or just VW paint period, but it stains SO easily.

I live out in the Southern California Desert and in the summer temps average 115F for about 4 months straight. I have taken Infrared temps of my paint once I get it home and in the garage after sitting out all day in sun and average temps are around 160F. That is the roof not the hood where temps there can get a little higher.

The paint gets so soft that when I put a car "Bra" on to help with the bug issue (used sparingly and mainly for trips) it will actually leave an indentation of a line exactly where the bra was on the hood! If a bug gets on my side mirrors, Hood, Bumper or whatever it stains. It will not come off with soap, detailer, bug and tar remover, swirl remover, or polishing compounds. I usually have to go for the rubbing compounds just to get a mar off from a bug.

I live not only in the desert but a agricultural area so the bugs can be outrageous at times. I mean, I can drive to the store on a perfectly clean car, kill a few bugs, and by the time I get home 20 minutes later? They are part of the paint now.

So here is the rub, what the heck can I do? I cannot see machine polishing this car every week to get the marring off. I mean eventually that clear is going to get thin. Its a catch 22 because I want the marks off, but I need the clear for UV protection from this Desert Sun.

I realize now, that maybe a "Clear Wrap" would have been ideal when the car was new, but I am not a big fan of that stuff for LONG term use. How it comes off after 5 yrs?? Most people dont even keep their cars that long. I have used so many sealants, but I find they just are not effective. Yes they make the bugs easier to wash off, but the stains are still there which requires more machining to get off.

Can anyone help me with this? This car is a daily driven car, its not a "Garage Queen" and it gets washed weekly, and at least once a month a coat of either a wax, or a polymer based sealant gets applied. After every wash I apply DG Detailer to add gloss and durability.

I do have a D/A polisher, but I prefer to do things old school and apply by hand. There are SO MANY pads out there now a days that I am completely lost on where to even start with that. Even if I did find the right pad, compound combo, I would have to use it weekly to keep this paint up nice. Is that even safe to do?

So I am up for suggestions, any guidance you can give would be much appreciated. I apologize for the long post, just trying to get you folks as much info as I can so you can help me out.

I have attached here some photos of the stains on the hood. I know its very difficult to see under these conditions, but if you do see them, and have any ideas of what I can do, please let me know. I just want to keep my paint nice for as long as I can, just seems its dang near impossible to do.

GTI Rear Bumper after being washed in the shade (garage) and using a PH balanced car shampoo. This happens almost every week I wash the car. This is on a "Cool" surface.

http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd502/jeffs2006evoix/Mobile%20Uploads/20141222_172018_RichtoneHDR_zps0f10cf4c.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/jeffs2006evoix/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20141222_172018_RichtoneHDR_zps0f10cf4c.jpg.html)

This is on the hood, if you look in the light area where you see the door opening in the reflection? The stains can be seen. This is every week.

http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd502/jeffs2006evoix/Mobile%20Uploads/20150724_143238_zpsgrr0zqyu.jpg (http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/jeffs2006evoix/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150724_143238_zpsgrr0zqyu.jpg.html)

I could put up more photos but they are difficult to see. The rear bumper one is very easy to see. I mean just imagine having to buff those out every single week?


07-24-2015, 05:39 PM
Polish it out as good as you want and coat it. Done. For a while anyway
Good luck

Mike lambert
07-24-2015, 07:28 PM
Polish it with meguiars da system, coat it with Gyeon MOHs. The coating may not last 2 years but it will outlast any sealant.

07-24-2015, 09:24 PM
Maybe dry your car with Meguiars express synthetic spray wax. It can be used on wet or dry surface and in the sun if needed. I think it helps on my Opti-Coated van, and it won't cost you much to try. Sorry I don't remember the #.

07-24-2015, 09:28 PM
use a microfiber cutting pad and 105. My CC loves it.

07-24-2015, 10:38 PM
Your best bet may be to find a local authorized OptiCoat installer--it comes with a five year warranty.

07-25-2015, 07:00 AM
I would suggest exploring a coating. My Touareg is coated and the LoveBugs wash off fairly easy. It makes life much easier.

07-26-2015, 09:36 PM
So what do you guys recommend? I would like to polish the car it's due anyway seeing some slight swirl action I just don't know what to buy as per pass or polish? I mean the market is flooded and this paint is soft in the sun does that make it a "soft" paint period? Just don't want to waste money or go too aggressive. May have to buy a sample kit or something.


07-26-2015, 09:38 PM
I would suggest exploring a coating. My Touareg is coated and the LoveBugs wash off fairly easy. It makes life much easier.

I know a local place wants $1800 to prep my car and ok to cost with warranty. That seems a little steep.


07-26-2015, 09:39 PM
use a microfiber cutting pad and 105. My CC loves it.

Which one and with what polish? The 105 alone?

07-27-2015, 05:51 PM
I know a local place wants $1800 to prep my car and ok to cost with warranty. That seems a little steep.


If you buy the tools and have some patience you can do it yourself. Only be a few hundred.

Audios S6
07-27-2015, 08:47 PM
Which one and with what polish? The 105 alone?

Do not use meguiars m105, it cuts extremely well but is not very user friendly.

I'm going to make some assumptions on your polisher: it's a DA with a 6" backing plate.

Most VWs I have worked on have relatively hard paint, but yours may be an exception. If it is soft, then start with a light cutting pad like lake country orange and meguiars m205 or menzerna pf2500. If that is not enough, step up to meguiars m101 or m100 or menzerna fg400 using a meguiars microfiber cutting pad.

I would also consider a coating as others have mentioned as it would seem that your sealants are not cutting it.

Are you wiping off bugs immediately?

07-27-2015, 09:32 PM
I get a lot of clients that come to me with bug issues. These are the steps i take.
1. Wash the car and remove all contaminants.
2. Do a paint inspection. This is very important. You're gonna want to look over your paint surface to creat a plan of action. Swirls, chips, scratches, pay close attention to areas with bugs so you can see if they've etched into paint. After looking over the paint youll have a better understanding of what needs to be done.
Will you need to wetsand?
Polishing? If your paint is indeed soft take that into consideration. There is tons of info out there on both procedures.
2. Begin restoring paint (dont forget to do a test area) Take your time. This is an important step because you wont want to coat your vehicle with imperfections.
3. Coat it yourself (again do research researsch research). Lots of info specifically on the different types of coating. Understand the different properties of them and how they will react in your environment before deciding
4.and most important prevention. Carry around a cleaner(made for paint), spray waxes, some microfibers. There are also lots of products out there that you can use specifically for bugs.
Hope this helps.

07-28-2015, 09:52 PM
Thank You all for taking the time to help me in this endeavour. It has been very frustrating and expensive.

I realize much of the answer is with trial and error and a coating may be ideal. Honestly now a days with 3 teenagers the question is time.

How do you all find the time to do this whole working and caring for a family. All our family backgrounds are different and needs are different but time is a consideration.

I also have a problem with where I live. I live in the desert and I can drive to work on the morning kill several hundred bugs there is no time to clean them off. Get off work get home and now I have etchings.

I do know this particular VW color called "shadow blue" gets extremely soft in the sun. So soft that trying to wipe off bugs in the sun with detailer and a micro fiber towel well the towel itself will leave scratches. Its that soft.

It's insane. Beautiful color. Pain in the a_s to keep up.


07-29-2015, 10:26 AM
If time is a problem, than maybe your only option is to bring it to a professional. The only other thing i can recommend is to clear bra. Talk to a local shop. They will have a better understanding of your environment and will be able to recommend the proper products. Without actually looking at the car its hard to say which products to use.