View Full Version : Towel Marks

07-20-2015, 09:06 AM
Having a bit of trouble with leaving towel marks in soft black paint. Any tips to help reduce this? I'm almost positive the front end has been repainted because it's reading really high (250+ microns). I wash my towels properly so don't think that's the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks

07-20-2015, 09:25 AM
Try using a QD as a lubricant to help remove the polish

Mike lambert
07-20-2015, 09:26 AM
Try using a detail spray or a product such as Gyeon prep

07-20-2015, 02:26 PM
What weight towels are you using? What QD were you using?

07-20-2015, 03:44 PM
Best way to dry a car is to air dry it with a blower. Chemical guys offers the blowers for like 50 bucks good investment for your spot paint. You also need a whole lot of patience because it might take some time. To speed up the process of drying, make sure you have a good wax on the the truck which will help the water fall off faster. When you are done with the blower, and i don't mean finished with the job, I mean you have a headache with the noise, get a really good high quality MF, more in the line of 700+gsm. It will be pricy but its work the investment.
When you wash your towels do not put all together. Put the same ones together. Only wash the exterior towels with exterior towels, tire towels with tire towels. You use different chemicals for different parts of the car so if you cross contaminate you will get streaks on the towels. That special towel you use to dry the car make sure to keep it away, don't let dust get in it, also try and use dye free soaps to wash the towels and NEVER use SOFTNER.

07-20-2015, 05:25 PM
What weight towels are you using? What QD were you using?

+1 and please explain your towel washing process.

07-21-2015, 09:02 AM
I tried some QD and still was leaving marks. I measured the front end, it's reading 367microns so I know it's a repaint. It's just soft as butter

07-21-2015, 09:06 AM
Having a bit of trouble with leaving towel marks in soft black paint. Any tips to help reduce this? I'm almost positive the front end has been repainted because it's reading really high (250+ microns). I wash my towels properly so don't think that's the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks

Try to blot instead of wiping....

07-21-2015, 08:44 PM
Having a bit of trouble with leaving towel marks in soft black paint. Any tips to help reduce this? I'm almost positive the front end has been repainted because it's reading really high (250+ microns). I wash my towels properly so don't think that's the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks

Hi, do you mean superficial smearing marks or actual scratches? I too get smearing when drying my car with waffle weave towels: swissvax brand in particular (never really noticed such marks with meguiars). So it might be something towel related and not playing nice with your lsp.

I find lightly spritzing the damp WW towel with some qd before drying prevents this. The only time I don't do this is if I'm going to do another coat or top my layer of sealant. I just feel uneasy about leaving any unnecessary product behind on the paint just before applying an lsp in terms of affecting it's bonding and curing. Perhaps this is just me being paranoid.

Any other input would be welcome