View Full Version : AIO Foaming

OCD Detailing
07-16-2015, 12:24 PM
Curious question here. We use XMT AIO for a lot of jobs. The stuff works great. (AG Please sell it in a gallon or even 5!!) We use it with the Rupes 21 and Duetto along with the Yellow or White Rupes pad depending on finish. What I have noticed is sometimes when I get to the lower parts of the car like the bottom, 5 to 10 inches of the door and the rocker panel below, it "foams up" not really foams but it goes from being normal where you can just see it to real white and thick. At first I thought it was because some cars have a textured lower part but this car was perfectly smooth down there. My other thought is maybe when the pad hits all the gaps from the door to the rocker maybe it causes any excess on the pad to do that but if that were the case it should do it at other places on the car. It's also harder to wipe off, and XMT is usually the easiest thing in the world to wipe off.

Thank you

07-16-2015, 01:09 PM
Possible you are using too much product? Or the pad is saturated by the time you reach the bottom of the car?

07-16-2015, 02:16 PM
I was also thinking too much product?? I have never seen it do anything but slowly disappear as you work it.

Got me swinging...

Nick McKees37
07-16-2015, 03:50 PM
Clean your pad often and make sure you shake the product well before you apply more.

OCD Detailing
07-17-2015, 09:59 AM
Thank's for the responses. I clean the pad with a MF towel while running it. Usually after every section. Could be too much product but strange that it doesn't do it on the upper part.

I will experiment.

How much XMT AIO do you guys use? I think I saw a post by Mike Phillips that AIO should go on a little wetter. I usually just do a circle around the pad.

On a side note, I am thinking of trying HD Speed, do any of you use that and how would it compare to XMT as far as correcting minor imperfections?

Thank you

07-17-2015, 11:18 AM
Mike did use it wet in one article on an ol' 442, but it had oxidized single stage paint, i I recall correctly. Article is here... http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/58359-how-use-one-step-cleaner-wax-maximize-profits.html

I use very little, just a few drops on my pad once it's primed. Don't know if that's right or not, but it has worked for me...and I work until it's gone.

Bubbles...that's interesting.

07-18-2015, 02:41 AM
Are you sure you are not pulling any left over water from the prep wash into the pad when you are going over those gaps at the bottom of the door?