View Full Version : Spray paint overspray question !?

07-14-2015, 10:42 AM
Hey everyone I'm new here .. I just got my car fully detailed around a month ago compound polish and wax car looks great last weekend I stopped by at me parents house and my dad was spray painting in the garage even tho my car was parked on the street I managed to get some white overspray on my black tsx I busted out the meguiars mild clay kit and it come off fairly easily my question is do I need to polish and wax the hole car again or can I just put on a new layer of wax on the hole car when I done claying the spots that are left I'm not worried about marring the paint because the clay is kinda mild and the test spot that I have done did not result in any micro scratches as long as I lube the clay well !? I purchased the same wax as the detailer used colli 476s and some cobra junior microfiber towels I've wax my car plenty of times before so that shouldn't be a problem .. Let me know what yall think .. Thanks in advance !!

07-14-2015, 11:04 AM
Based on your test area I don't believe you will need to polish. A polish helps clean the paint of oxidation, and other contaminants. If you're not seeing any "marring" of the paint and feel its in a condition your satisfied with than go ahead and just wax it. The only step that I do recommend that you did not mention would be to use a sealant. A sealant will provide stronger protection than a wax. Hope this helps.

07-14-2015, 11:24 AM
Based on your test area I don't believe you will need to polish. A polish helps clean the paint of oxidation, and other contaminants. If you're not seeing any "marring" of the paint and feel its in a condition your satisfied with than go ahead and just wax it. The only step that I do recommend that you did not mention would be to use a sealant. A sealant will provide stronger protection than a wax. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply I've read on a couple of forums that the 476s acts a little like a sealant at the same time as being a wax the detailer tried to put some jet seal on a test spot and applied wax over it and both weren't very compatible and the results weren't so great so it's why he finished with the colli 476

07-14-2015, 12:19 PM
Can I use the clay bar to remove some overspray spots from my windows or is there a better method ?

Thanks !!

07-14-2015, 11:00 PM
The clay is definitely safe to use on the glass. If you need something more aggressive you can always use a razor blade. There are videos online that will show the process using a blade. Ill try to explain process if you cant find any videos

07-15-2015, 06:29 AM
The clay is definitely safe to use on the glass. If you need something more aggressive you can always use a razor blade. There are videos online that will show the process using a blade. Ill try to explain process if you cant find any videos

I agree here, if you do use a razor which I recommend use a lot of glass cleaner as lube

07-15-2015, 06:38 AM
Should not be an issue with using clay on the glass. Like already stated, if you don't see any marring, I'd just hit it with another coat of 476.

I also have a black TSX. Mine's an 09!

07-15-2015, 10:35 PM
Should not be an issue with using clay on the glass. Like already stated, if you don't see any marring, I'd just hit it with another coat of 476.

I also have a black TSX. Mine's an 09!

Mines a 2010 v6 tech great car just got a little bad luck with the overspray issue 1 month after getting it detailed professionally I'll try out the clay if it doesn't work I'll go for the razor blade as stated above .. Thanks for the help !!

07-20-2015, 11:44 AM
The clay is definitely safe to use on the glass. If you need something more aggressive you can always use a razor blade. There are videos online that will show the process using a blade. Ill try to explain process if you cant find any videos

Here's an update about the overspray .. I've managed to remove the spots on the car quite easily with clay tried it on the windshield and it didn't work quite as well there are still lots of tiny bits of overspray all over its shows up when driving and when the sun reflects off of the windshield even after using a razor blade ..is there any other way to remove these tiny specs I've read that using 0000 steel wool can remove this and acetone to tried goo off on a small test spot with no avail what do you think ... Thanks !!

07-20-2015, 02:37 PM
Here's an update about the overspray .. I've managed to remove the spots on the car quite easily with clay tried it on the windshield and it didn't work quite as well there are still lots of tiny bits of overspray all over its shows up when driving and when the sun reflects off of the windshield even after using a razor blade ..is there any other way to remove these tiny specs I've read that using 0000 steel wool can remove this and acetone to tried goo off on a small test spot with no avail what do you think ... Thanks !!

Are you sure you're not seeing pits in the glass? I can't imagine any overspray left behind after the razor treatment.

I don't know where you live but here in Southern California we get a few days a year of strong winds that pick up a lot of dirt. One trip down the freeway in those conditions can, and will, pit the winshield.

Is what you're seeing only on the windshield? Or on all of the glass? If it's only the windshield that's another indicator that what you are seeing is actually tiny defects in the glass.

07-20-2015, 02:45 PM
although the steel wool is another method that is safe to use, i have found that you have to put in a lot more effort than using a blade. if i where you i would just use the blade method again to remove the remaining over spray.
1.Apply glass cleaner(for lubricant)
2.using straight up and down motion with the blade flat on glass begin removing contaminants
3.apply more glass cleaner(for lubricant)
4.use clay bar to remove remaining contaminants
5. wipe clean with glass microfiber
This should remove all contaminants. As an extra step for a nice shine apply a glass polish and finish with a glass hydrophobic coating(if you like that)

07-22-2015, 01:22 PM
although the steel wool is another method that is safe to use, i have found that you have to put in a lot more effort than using a blade. if i where you i would just use the blade method again to remove the remaining over spray.
1.Apply glass cleaner(for lubricant)
2.using straight up and down motion with the blade flat on glass begin removing contaminants
3.apply more glass cleaner(for lubricant)
4.use clay bar to remove remaining contaminants
5. wipe clean with glass microfiber
This should remove all contaminants. As an extra step for a nice shine apply a glass polish and finish with a glass hydrophobic coating(if you like that)

I used you're advice step by step and it cleared everything without a trace and no scratches thanks a lot !!!

07-22-2015, 04:12 PM
As long as you cleaned the surface before you used the clay, it should be fine, just wax it again

07-22-2015, 07:25 PM
Anytime max4swag. Glad I could help.