View Full Version : Hood

07-14-2015, 09:53 AM
When compounding a hood on any car I find that after a test spot
And I am happy with my choice of pad and product.
I find that the front of the hood is much harder to cut or near impossible.
For an example I am compounding a 12 Camry black.
I am using duetto and flex 3401 oarnge and white pads
White for normal areas and oarnge for deeper stuff.
I used d300 and at times I mixed some 101
Great results minimal effort not running scared about removing too much paint.
Why wouldn't the front of the hood correct like the rest of the car
It has 40 k miles never any damage or re paint..

Mike Phillips
07-14-2015, 03:40 PM
When compounding a hood on any car I find that after a test spot And I am happy with my choice of pad and product.

I find that the front of the hood is much harder to cut or near impossible.

Just one theory.... assuming all paint is original, the hood is exposed to both sun light and heat from sun light being a horizontal panel PLUS engine heat.

So over time the paint could become more brittle or hard.


07-14-2015, 05:14 PM
Thanks Mike