View Full Version : Newbie: Looking for help!

07-14-2015, 08:13 AM
Hello all,
I am by no means a professional detailer but I enjoy doing it and have been detailing/waxing/polishing/cleaning/etc for many years. I have tried many waxes and polishes but cannot seem to achieve that wet look when completed. After a lot of research I went out and purchased Klasse AIO, Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze, and P21S 100% Carnauba wax. After 2 good washes, clay bar, and Meguiar's G17216 Ultimate Compound, I applied the Klasse and P21S products, This really made the paint pop but still did not give it the wet look I see on many vehicles. What am I missing or do I have the wrong products? I have done this to a 2003 White Silverado and to my 2015 Black Chevy Cruze both turned out great but still no wet look. All products were applied by hand. Any help would be great, sorry for the long post.
Thank you.

07-14-2015, 08:53 AM
I'm interested to see what is suggested. I've never used the Klasse but the UC and P21S alone should look amazing.

07-14-2015, 09:22 AM
Dont get me wrong the set up I did does look amazing and really made a long lasting shine but im seeing what it would take to go another step further and get that wet looking shine.
Riff, I would suggest using Klasse products they are easy to apply and work very well, make sure to clay bay before use though.

07-14-2015, 09:57 AM
I've never worked on a GM vehicle, but I have heard they have very hard paint. That means that you probably will never be able to polish it by hand as well as possible ... and polishing is the foundation for the best possible shine. But I am totally guessing without larger pictures. One thing I will say is that is is really difficult to get a super wet look with white paint.

07-14-2015, 10:16 AM
What do you reccomend using to correctly polish a GM vehicle? Even on a 2015 car the shine was great but not the wet look I wanted. Could I try other products such as CG buttery wet wax or does anyone know of something better. I love the P21S wax I have but wouldnt mind trying something else out.

07-14-2015, 10:52 AM
What do you reccomend using to correctly polish a GM vehicle?

It's not so much a different product, but a tool: you need a machine polisher to polish paint. Any of the polisher that AG sells will do the job. Along with the polisher, you would need a selection of pads.

But maybe the 2015's paint is already defect-free. If it is, then perhaps try a different LSP. What, I don't know. Maybe you might like the look of a coating, which many people think has a glassy look ... although some people think glassy and wet are two different things.

07-14-2015, 12:06 PM
Haha. I thought the Meguiars he was talking about was a polisher. Never saw it called by its number.

Definitely try a DA polisher. Read up on polishers here. There's lots of posts. It'll make a big difference.

07-14-2015, 12:54 PM
Hello and welcome! I would suggest since you're still new to this, purchase a solid DA polisher and try an all in one polish, its easy to get great results plus allows you to learn without screwing too much up! I've used my GG6 and Blackfire AIO many times on many cars for quick super shiny results....

07-16-2015, 12:54 PM
It looks like the hand polishing isent going to cut it haha. Time to invest into a DA polisher, thanks again guys. Would you reccomend using Klasse AIO and the High Gloss sealant glaze with the DA or just the AIO? Also what color pad would be best for this set up. Sorry for the questions, just want to buy the correct products

Billy Baldone
07-16-2015, 03:23 PM
My wife had a black granite Cruze, i machine polished it with Menzerna 4000, tooped it with either Power Lock, or Chemical guys Blacklight/V07. And it always looked wet. You need to machine polish it

07-16-2015, 04:40 PM
I totally agree about polishing but something that will help until you get one is reclay it and check smoothness by putting your hand in a plastic bag and rubbing the clean paint, of course this wont take the place of polishing but it will help

07-17-2015, 05:09 AM

07-20-2015, 09:31 AM
Plan on purchasing a DA polisher within the next few weeks. Seems like this is a necessary item to get a good finish. Thank you again for all the help.
DogRescuer: I make sure to clay bar the vehicles before any polish or wax goes on, this gives me a very smooth surface.