View Full Version : Test spots: How many before proceeding?

07-13-2015, 01:38 PM
This coming from a hobbiest standpoint...

How many seperate test spots on a given car?

For instance:
On a hood will you perform multiple test spots until you get the desired results, or do you only do one test spot, then automatically get real aggressive?

I'll guess that some of you with tons of experience may only do one test spot while others may not even do one, yet others will always perform a test spot(s).

Being able to look at the paint and clasify its condition doesn't necessarily tell you how hard/soft the paint is and is why I think a test spot, as Mike Phillips so often urges forum members/lurkers to do, is of the utmost importance.

Here's a picture of a hood with 3 seperate test spots.


07-13-2015, 01:39 PM
Those 3 spots told me I needed to get even more aggresssive. The end result below.


EDIT... Sorry...meant to ask this as my main point in starting this thread:

Do any of you keep going more aggressive on the same spot, or do you move to a different location with each more aggressive step, like I did?

07-13-2015, 05:41 PM
Do any of you keep going more aggressive on the same spot, or do you move to a different location with each more aggressive step, like I did?

I make different spots so I can visibly see the difference, but I am not sure what the right answer is.

07-13-2015, 05:54 PM
Diff spot if I need something more. I sometimes will try a lighter step also to make sure I'm using least aggressive process.

Paul A.
07-13-2015, 06:42 PM
I ALWAYS move to a different spot of ORIGINAL paint and try another approach. I NEVER do another pass/approach on the spot i just tried. Remember, you are searching for the best approach/technique for the overall paint conditions all over the vehicle.

I will add that i do ALL steps necessary to get it LSP ready on my "tests". Yes, more seasoned folks have a better idea what to try first and may be doing less test areas to define exactly whats needed but that comes with experience. And you do enough to show you the results you're happy with. If i counted how many times i tested "jewelling" passes only to determine no real gloss improvement i might be in the 100's! Although finding that out saves me from doing the entire vehicle with a wasted step.

07-13-2015, 07:20 PM
... but I am not sure what the right answer is.

Me either, but I lean towards moving if the first test area seems way off from giving me my desired outcome.

In the above photo's that was one mistake I made...

...that is, I didn't take the test spot to the state of LSP ready. However, I did realize that I needed to get more aggressive and in this case that was M105+rotary+wool pad. That immediately removed the defects you see in the photo's, but at the same time instilled holograms into the paint...a different kind of defect...that luckily I was able to remove with a Meg's polishing pad+M105+DA, then another Meg's polishing pad+205+DA, which game the results in the last photo.

Was more or less just wondering how often, those with more experience, have run across having to do more than 1-2 spots. Would like to see others chime in with their experiences.

11-12-2015, 10:13 PM
I keep using the same spot. After I get the proper result I then test the final process on a fresh spot. Sometimes it takes more or less aggressive but I have the luxury of working only my own DD with a known clear thickness.